The CEM, or MitoLab, dataset is a collection of data for training mitochondria generalist models. It consists of:

These datasets are from the publication Please cite this publication if you use this data in your research.

The data itself can be downloaded from EMPIAR via aspera.

  • You can install aspera via mamba. We recommend to do this in a separate environment to avoid dependency issues:
    • $ mamba create -c conda-forge -c hcc -n aspera aspera-cli
  • After this you can run $ mamba activate aspera to have an environment with aspera installed.
  • You can then download the data for one of the three datasets like this:
    • ascp -QT -l 200m -P33001 -i /etc/asperaweb_id_dsa.openssh
    • Where is the path to the mamba environment, the id of one of the three datasets and where you want to download the data.
  • After this you can use the functions in this file if you use as location for the data.

Note that we have implemented automatic download, but this leads to dependency issues, so we recommend to download the data manually and then run the loaders with the correct path.

  1"""The CEM, or MitoLab, dataset is a collection of data for
  2training mitochondria generalist models. It consists of:
  3- CEM-MitoLab: annotated 2d data for training mitochondria segmentation models
  4  -
  5- CEM-Mito-Benchmark: 7 Benchmark datasets for mitochondria segmentation
  6  -
  7- CEM-1.5M: unlabeled EM images for pretraining: (Not yet implemented)
  8  -
 10These datasets are from the publication
 11Please cite this publication if you use this data in your research.
 13The data itself can be downloaded from EMPIAR via aspera.
 14- You can install aspera via mamba. We recommend to do this in a separate environment
 15  to avoid dependency issues:
 16    - `$ mamba create -c conda-forge -c hcc -n aspera aspera-cli`
 17- After this you can run `$ mamba activate aspera` to have an environment with aspera installed.
 18- You can then download the data for one of the three datasets like this:
 19    - ascp -QT -l 200m -P33001 -i <PREFIX>/etc/asperaweb_id_dsa.openssh<EMPIAR_ID> <PATH>
 20    - Where <PREFIX> is the path to the mamba environment, <EMPIAR_ID> the id of one of the three datasets
 21      and <PATH> where you want to download the data.
 22- After this you can use the functions in this file if you use <PATH> as location for the data.
 24Note that we have implemented automatic download, but this leads to dependency
 25issues, so we recommend to download the data manually and then run the loaders with the correct path.
 28import os
 29import json
 30from glob import glob
 31from typing import List, Tuple, Union, Literal
 33import numpy as np
 34import imageio.v3 as imageio
 35from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split
 37from import Dataset, DataLoader
 39import torch_em
 41from .. import util
 45    1: "mito_benchmarks/c_elegans",
 46    2: "mito_benchmarks/fly_brain",
 47    3: "mito_benchmarks/glycolytic_muscle",
 48    4: "mito_benchmarks/hela_cell",
 49    5: "mito_benchmarks/lucchi_pp",
 50    6: "mito_benchmarks/salivary_gland",
 51    7: "tem_benchmark",
 54    1: (256, 256, 256),
 55    2: (256, 255, 255),
 56    3: (302, 383, 765),
 57    4: (256, 256, 256),
 58    5: (165, 768, 1024),
 59    6: (1260, 1081, 1200),
 60    7: (224, 224),  # NOTE: this is the minimal square shape that fits
 64def _get_all_images(path):
 65    raw_paths, label_paths = [], []
 66    folders = glob(os.path.join(path, "*"))
 67    assert all(os.path.isdir(folder) for folder in folders)
 68    for folder in folders:
 69        images = sorted(glob(os.path.join(folder, "images", "*.tiff")))
 70        assert len(images) > 0
 71        labels = sorted(glob(os.path.join(folder, "masks", "*.tiff")))
 72        assert len(images) == len(labels)
 73        raw_paths.extend(images)
 74        label_paths.extend(labels)
 75    return raw_paths, label_paths
 78def _get_non_empty_images(path):
 79    save_path = os.path.join(path, "non_empty_images.json")
 81    if os.path.exists(save_path):
 82        with open(save_path, "r") as f:
 83            saved_images = json.load(f)
 84        raw_paths, label_paths = saved_images["images"], saved_images["labels"]
 85        raw_paths = [os.path.join(path, rp) for rp in raw_paths]
 86        label_paths = [os.path.join(path, lp) for lp in label_paths]
 87        return raw_paths, label_paths
 89    folders = glob(os.path.join(path, "*"))
 90    assert all(os.path.isdir(folder) for folder in folders)
 92    raw_paths, label_paths = [], []
 93    for folder in folders:
 94        images = sorted(glob(os.path.join(folder, "images", "*.tiff")))
 95        labels = sorted(glob(os.path.join(folder, "masks", "*.tiff")))
 96        assert len(images) > 0
 97        assert len(images) == len(labels)
 99        for im, lab in zip(images, labels):
100            n_labels = len(np.unique(imageio.imread(lab)))
101            if n_labels > 1:
102                raw_paths.append(im)
103                label_paths.append(lab)
105    raw_paths_rel = [os.path.relpath(rp, path) for rp in raw_paths]
106    label_paths_rel = [os.path.relpath(lp, path) for lp in label_paths]
108    with open(save_path, "w") as f:
109        json.dump({"images": raw_paths_rel, "labels": label_paths_rel}, f)
111    return raw_paths, label_paths
114def get_mitolab_data(path: Union[os.PathLike, str], download: bool = False) -> str:
115    """Download the MitoLab training data.
117    Args:
118        path: Filepath to a folder where the downloaded data will be saved.
119        download: Whether to download the data if it is not present.
121    Returns:
122        The filepath for the downloaded data.
123    """
124    access_id = "11037"
125    data_path = util.download_source_empiar(path, access_id, download)
127    zip_path = os.path.join(data_path, "data/")
128    if os.path.exists(zip_path):
129        util.unzip(zip_path, data_path, remove=True)
131    data_root = os.path.join(data_path, "cem_mitolab")
132    assert os.path.exists(data_root)
134    return data_root
137def get_mitolab_paths(
138    path: Union[os.PathLike, str],
139    split: Literal['train', 'val'],
140    val_fraction: float = 0.05,
141    download: bool = False,
142    discard_empty_images: bool = True,
143) -> Tuple[List[str], List[str]]:
144    """Get the paths to MitoLab training data.
146    Args:
147        path: Filepath to a folder where the downloaded data will be saved.
148        split: The data split. Either 'train' or 'val'.
149        val_fraction: The fraction of the data to use for validation.
150        download: Whether to download the data if it is not present.
151        discard_empty_images: Whether to discard images without annotations.
153    Returns:
154        List of the image data paths.
155        List of the label data paths.
156    """
157    data_path = get_mitolab_data(path, download)
159    if discard_empty_images:
160        raw_paths, label_paths = _get_non_empty_images(data_path)
161    else:
162        raw_paths, label_paths = _get_all_images(data_path)
164    if split is not None:
165        raw_train, raw_val, labels_train, labels_val = train_test_split(
166            raw_paths, label_paths, test_size=val_fraction, random_state=42,
167        )
168        if split == "train":
169            raw_paths, label_paths = raw_train, labels_train
170        else:
171            raw_paths, label_paths = raw_val, labels_val
173    assert len(raw_paths) > 0
174    assert len(raw_paths) == len(label_paths)
175    return raw_paths, label_paths
178def get_benchmark_data(path: Union[os.PathLike, str], dataset_id: int, download: bool = False) -> str:
179    """Download the MitoLab benchmark data.
181    Args:
182        path: Filepath to a folder where the downloaded data will be saved.
183        dataset_id: The id of the benchmark dataset to download.
184        download: Whether to download the data if it is not present.
186    Returns:
187        The filepath for the stored data.
188    """
189    access_id = "10982"
190    data_path = util.download_source_empiar(path, access_id, download)
191    dataset_path = os.path.join(data_path, "data", BENCHMARK_DATASETS[dataset_id])
192    return dataset_path
195def get_benchmark_paths(
196    path: Union[os.PathLike, str], dataset_id: int, download: bool = False
197) -> Tuple[List[str], List[str], str, str, bool]:
198    """Get paths to the MitoLab benchmark data.
200    Args:
201        path: Filepath to a folder where the downloaded data will be saved.
202        dataset_id: The id of the benchmark dataset to download.
203        download: Whether to download the data if it is not present.
205    Returns:
206        List of the image data paths.
207        List of the label data paths.
208        The image data key.
209        The label data key.
210        Whether this is a segmentation dataset.
211    """
212    dataset_path = get_benchmark_data(path, dataset_id, download)
214    # these are the 3d datasets
215    if dataset_id in range(1, 7):
216        dataset_name = os.path.basename(dataset_path)
217        raw_paths = os.path.join(dataset_path, f"{dataset_name}_em.tif")
218        label_paths = os.path.join(dataset_path, f"{dataset_name}_mito.tif")
219        raw_key, label_key = None, None
220        is_seg_dataset = True
222    # this is the 2d dataset
223    else:
224        raw_paths = os.path.join(dataset_path, "images")
225        label_paths = os.path.join(dataset_path, "masks")
226        raw_key, label_key = "*.tiff", "*.tiff"
227        is_seg_dataset = False
229    return raw_paths, label_paths, raw_key, label_key, is_seg_dataset
233# Datasets
237def get_mitolab_dataset(
238    path: Union[os.PathLike, str],
239    split: Literal['train', 'val'],
240    patch_shape: Tuple[int, int] = (224, 224),
241    val_fraction: float = 0.05,
242    download: bool = False,
243    discard_empty_images: bool = True,
244    **kwargs
245) -> Dataset:
246    """Get the dataset for the MitoLab training data.
248    Args:
249        path: Filepath to a folder where the downloaded data will be saved.
250        split: The data split. Either 'train' or 'val'.
251        patch_shape: The patch shape to use for training.
252        val_fraction: The fraction of the data to use for validation.
253        download: Whether to download the data if it is not present.
254        discard_empty_images: Whether to discard images without annotations.
255        kwargs: Additional keyword arguments for `torch_em.default_segmentation_dataset`.
257    Returns:
258        The segmentation dataset.
259    """
260    assert split in ("train", "val", None)
261    assert os.path.exists(path)
263    raw_paths, label_paths = get_mitolab_paths(path, split, val_fraction, download, discard_empty_images)
265    return torch_em.default_segmentation_dataset(
266        raw_paths=raw_paths,
267        raw_key=None,
268        label_paths=label_paths,
269        label_key=None,
270        patch_shape=patch_shape,
271        is_seg_dataset=False,
272        ndim=2,
273        **kwargs
274    )
277def get_cem15m_dataset(path):
278    raise NotImplementedError
281def get_benchmark_dataset(
282    path: Union[os.PathLike, str], dataset_id: int, patch_shape: Tuple[int, int], download: bool = False, **kwargs
283) -> Dataset:
284    """Get the dataset for one of the mitolab benchmark datasets.
286    Args:
287        path: Filepath to a folder where the downloaded data will be saved.
288        dataset_id: The id of the benchmark dataset to download.
289        patch_shape: The patch shape to use for training.
290        download: Whether to download the data if it is not present.
291        kwargs: Additional keyword arguments for `torch_em.default_segmentation_dataset`.
293    Returns:
294        The segmentation dataset.
295    """
296    if dataset_id not in range(1, 8):
297        raise ValueError(f"Invalid dataset id {dataset_id}, expected id in range [1, 7].")
299    raw_paths, label_paths, raw_key, label_key, is_seg_dataset = get_benchmark_paths(path, dataset_id, download)
301    return torch_em.default_segmentation_dataset(
302        raw_paths=raw_paths,
303        raw_key=raw_key,
304        label_paths=label_paths,
305        label_key=label_key,
306        patch_shape=patch_shape,
307        is_seg_dataset=is_seg_dataset,
308        **kwargs,
309    )
313# DataLoaders
317def get_mitolab_loader(
318    path: Union[os.PathLike, str],
319    split: str,
320    batch_size: int,
321    patch_shape: Tuple[int, int] = (224, 224),
322    discard_empty_images: bool = True,
323    val_fraction: float = 0.05,
324    download: bool = False,
325    **kwargs
326) -> DataLoader:
327    """Get the dataloader for the MitoLab training data.
329    Args:
330        path: Filepath to a folder where the downloaded data will be saved.
331        split: The data split. Either 'train' or 'val'.
332        batch_size: The batch size for training.
333        patch_shape: The patch shape to use for training.
334        discard_empty_images: Whether to discard images without annotations.
335        val_fraction: The fraction of the data to use for validation.
336        download: Whether to download the data if it is not present.
337        kwargs: Additional keyword arguments for `torch_em.default_segmentation_dataset` or for the PyTorch DataLoader.
339    Returns:
340        The PyTorch DataLoader.
341    """
342    ds_kwargs, loader_kwargs = util.split_kwargs(torch_em.default_segmentation_dataset, **kwargs)
343    dataset = get_mitolab_dataset(
344        path=path,
345        split=split,
346        patch_shape=patch_shape,
347        val_fraction=val_fraction,
348        download=download,
349        discard_empty_images=discard_empty_images,
350        **ds_kwargs
351    )
352    return torch_em.get_data_loader(dataset, batch_size, **loader_kwargs)
355def get_cem15m_loader(path):
356    raise NotImplementedError
359def get_benchmark_loader(
360    path: Union[os.PathLike, str],
361    dataset_id: int,
362    batch_size: int,
363    patch_shape: Tuple[int, int],
364    download: bool = False,
365    **kwargs
366) -> DataLoader:
367    """Get the dataloader for one of the MitoLab benchmark datasets.
369    Args:
370        path: Filepath to a folder where the downloaded data will be saved.
371        dataset_id: The id of the benchmark dataset to download.
372        batch_size: The batch size for training.
373        patch_shape: The patch shape to use for training.
374        download: Whether to download the data if it is not present.
375        kwargs: Additional keyword arguments for `torch_em.default_segmentation_dataset` or for the PyTorch DataLoader.
377    Returns:
378        The DataLoader.
379    """
380    ds_kwargs, loader_kwargs = util.split_kwargs(torch_em.default_segmentation_dataset, **kwargs)
381    dataset = get_benchmark_dataset(path, dataset_id, patch_shape=patch_shape, download=download, **ds_kwargs)
382    return torch_em.get_data_loader(dataset, batch_size, **loader_kwargs)
BENCHMARK_DATASETS = {1: 'mito_benchmarks/c_elegans', 2: 'mito_benchmarks/fly_brain', 3: 'mito_benchmarks/glycolytic_muscle', 4: 'mito_benchmarks/hela_cell', 5: 'mito_benchmarks/lucchi_pp', 6: 'mito_benchmarks/salivary_gland', 7: 'tem_benchmark'}
BENCHMARK_SHAPES = {1: (256, 256, 256), 2: (256, 255, 255), 3: (302, 383, 765), 4: (256, 256, 256), 5: (165, 768, 1024), 6: (1260, 1081, 1200), 7: (224, 224)}
def get_mitolab_data(path: Union[os.PathLike, str], download: bool = False) -> str:
115def get_mitolab_data(path: Union[os.PathLike, str], download: bool = False) -> str:
116    """Download the MitoLab training data.
118    Args:
119        path: Filepath to a folder where the downloaded data will be saved.
120        download: Whether to download the data if it is not present.
122    Returns:
123        The filepath for the downloaded data.
124    """
125    access_id = "11037"
126    data_path = util.download_source_empiar(path, access_id, download)
128    zip_path = os.path.join(data_path, "data/")
129    if os.path.exists(zip_path):
130        util.unzip(zip_path, data_path, remove=True)
132    data_root = os.path.join(data_path, "cem_mitolab")
133    assert os.path.exists(data_root)
135    return data_root

Download the MitoLab training data.

  • path: Filepath to a folder where the downloaded data will be saved.
  • download: Whether to download the data if it is not present.

The filepath for the downloaded data.

def get_mitolab_paths( path: Union[os.PathLike, str], split: Literal['train', 'val'], val_fraction: float = 0.05, download: bool = False, discard_empty_images: bool = True) -> Tuple[List[str], List[str]]:
138def get_mitolab_paths(
139    path: Union[os.PathLike, str],
140    split: Literal['train', 'val'],
141    val_fraction: float = 0.05,
142    download: bool = False,
143    discard_empty_images: bool = True,
144) -> Tuple[List[str], List[str]]:
145    """Get the paths to MitoLab training data.
147    Args:
148        path: Filepath to a folder where the downloaded data will be saved.
149        split: The data split. Either 'train' or 'val'.
150        val_fraction: The fraction of the data to use for validation.
151        download: Whether to download the data if it is not present.
152        discard_empty_images: Whether to discard images without annotations.
154    Returns:
155        List of the image data paths.
156        List of the label data paths.
157    """
158    data_path = get_mitolab_data(path, download)
160    if discard_empty_images:
161        raw_paths, label_paths = _get_non_empty_images(data_path)
162    else:
163        raw_paths, label_paths = _get_all_images(data_path)
165    if split is not None:
166        raw_train, raw_val, labels_train, labels_val = train_test_split(
167            raw_paths, label_paths, test_size=val_fraction, random_state=42,
168        )
169        if split == "train":
170            raw_paths, label_paths = raw_train, labels_train
171        else:
172            raw_paths, label_paths = raw_val, labels_val
174    assert len(raw_paths) > 0
175    assert len(raw_paths) == len(label_paths)
176    return raw_paths, label_paths

Get the paths to MitoLab training data.

  • path: Filepath to a folder where the downloaded data will be saved.
  • split: The data split. Either 'train' or 'val'.
  • val_fraction: The fraction of the data to use for validation.
  • download: Whether to download the data if it is not present.
  • discard_empty_images: Whether to discard images without annotations.

List of the image data paths. List of the label data paths.

def get_benchmark_data( path: Union[os.PathLike, str], dataset_id: int, download: bool = False) -> str:
179def get_benchmark_data(path: Union[os.PathLike, str], dataset_id: int, download: bool = False) -> str:
180    """Download the MitoLab benchmark data.
182    Args:
183        path: Filepath to a folder where the downloaded data will be saved.
184        dataset_id: The id of the benchmark dataset to download.
185        download: Whether to download the data if it is not present.
187    Returns:
188        The filepath for the stored data.
189    """
190    access_id = "10982"
191    data_path = util.download_source_empiar(path, access_id, download)
192    dataset_path = os.path.join(data_path, "data", BENCHMARK_DATASETS[dataset_id])
193    return dataset_path

Download the MitoLab benchmark data.

  • path: Filepath to a folder where the downloaded data will be saved.
  • dataset_id: The id of the benchmark dataset to download.
  • download: Whether to download the data if it is not present.

The filepath for the stored data.

def get_benchmark_paths( path: Union[os.PathLike, str], dataset_id: int, download: bool = False) -> Tuple[List[str], List[str], str, str, bool]:
196def get_benchmark_paths(
197    path: Union[os.PathLike, str], dataset_id: int, download: bool = False
198) -> Tuple[List[str], List[str], str, str, bool]:
199    """Get paths to the MitoLab benchmark data.
201    Args:
202        path: Filepath to a folder where the downloaded data will be saved.
203        dataset_id: The id of the benchmark dataset to download.
204        download: Whether to download the data if it is not present.
206    Returns:
207        List of the image data paths.
208        List of the label data paths.
209        The image data key.
210        The label data key.
211        Whether this is a segmentation dataset.
212    """
213    dataset_path = get_benchmark_data(path, dataset_id, download)
215    # these are the 3d datasets
216    if dataset_id in range(1, 7):
217        dataset_name = os.path.basename(dataset_path)
218        raw_paths = os.path.join(dataset_path, f"{dataset_name}_em.tif")
219        label_paths = os.path.join(dataset_path, f"{dataset_name}_mito.tif")
220        raw_key, label_key = None, None
221        is_seg_dataset = True
223    # this is the 2d dataset
224    else:
225        raw_paths = os.path.join(dataset_path, "images")
226        label_paths = os.path.join(dataset_path, "masks")
227        raw_key, label_key = "*.tiff", "*.tiff"
228        is_seg_dataset = False
230    return raw_paths, label_paths, raw_key, label_key, is_seg_dataset

Get paths to the MitoLab benchmark data.

  • path: Filepath to a folder where the downloaded data will be saved.
  • dataset_id: The id of the benchmark dataset to download.
  • download: Whether to download the data if it is not present.

List of the image data paths. List of the label data paths. The image data key. The label data key. Whether this is a segmentation dataset.

def get_mitolab_dataset( path: Union[os.PathLike, str], split: Literal['train', 'val'], patch_shape: Tuple[int, int] = (224, 224), val_fraction: float = 0.05, download: bool = False, discard_empty_images: bool = True, **kwargs) ->
238def get_mitolab_dataset(
239    path: Union[os.PathLike, str],
240    split: Literal['train', 'val'],
241    patch_shape: Tuple[int, int] = (224, 224),
242    val_fraction: float = 0.05,
243    download: bool = False,
244    discard_empty_images: bool = True,
245    **kwargs
246) -> Dataset:
247    """Get the dataset for the MitoLab training data.
249    Args:
250        path: Filepath to a folder where the downloaded data will be saved.
251        split: The data split. Either 'train' or 'val'.
252        patch_shape: The patch shape to use for training.
253        val_fraction: The fraction of the data to use for validation.
254        download: Whether to download the data if it is not present.
255        discard_empty_images: Whether to discard images without annotations.
256        kwargs: Additional keyword arguments for `torch_em.default_segmentation_dataset`.
258    Returns:
259        The segmentation dataset.
260    """
261    assert split in ("train", "val", None)
262    assert os.path.exists(path)
264    raw_paths, label_paths = get_mitolab_paths(path, split, val_fraction, download, discard_empty_images)
266    return torch_em.default_segmentation_dataset(
267        raw_paths=raw_paths,
268        raw_key=None,
269        label_paths=label_paths,
270        label_key=None,
271        patch_shape=patch_shape,
272        is_seg_dataset=False,
273        ndim=2,
274        **kwargs
275    )

Get the dataset for the MitoLab training data.

  • path: Filepath to a folder where the downloaded data will be saved.
  • split: The data split. Either 'train' or 'val'.
  • patch_shape: The patch shape to use for training.
  • val_fraction: The fraction of the data to use for validation.
  • download: Whether to download the data if it is not present.
  • discard_empty_images: Whether to discard images without annotations.
  • kwargs: Additional keyword arguments for torch_em.default_segmentation_dataset.

The segmentation dataset.

def get_cem15m_dataset(path):
278def get_cem15m_dataset(path):
279    raise NotImplementedError
def get_benchmark_dataset( path: Union[os.PathLike, str], dataset_id: int, patch_shape: Tuple[int, int], download: bool = False, **kwargs) ->
282def get_benchmark_dataset(
283    path: Union[os.PathLike, str], dataset_id: int, patch_shape: Tuple[int, int], download: bool = False, **kwargs
284) -> Dataset:
285    """Get the dataset for one of the mitolab benchmark datasets.
287    Args:
288        path: Filepath to a folder where the downloaded data will be saved.
289        dataset_id: The id of the benchmark dataset to download.
290        patch_shape: The patch shape to use for training.
291        download: Whether to download the data if it is not present.
292        kwargs: Additional keyword arguments for `torch_em.default_segmentation_dataset`.
294    Returns:
295        The segmentation dataset.
296    """
297    if dataset_id not in range(1, 8):
298        raise ValueError(f"Invalid dataset id {dataset_id}, expected id in range [1, 7].")
300    raw_paths, label_paths, raw_key, label_key, is_seg_dataset = get_benchmark_paths(path, dataset_id, download)
302    return torch_em.default_segmentation_dataset(
303        raw_paths=raw_paths,
304        raw_key=raw_key,
305        label_paths=label_paths,
306        label_key=label_key,
307        patch_shape=patch_shape,
308        is_seg_dataset=is_seg_dataset,
309        **kwargs,
310    )

Get the dataset for one of the mitolab benchmark datasets.

  • path: Filepath to a folder where the downloaded data will be saved.
  • dataset_id: The id of the benchmark dataset to download.
  • patch_shape: The patch shape to use for training.
  • download: Whether to download the data if it is not present.
  • kwargs: Additional keyword arguments for torch_em.default_segmentation_dataset.

The segmentation dataset.

def get_mitolab_loader( path: Union[os.PathLike, str], split: str, batch_size: int, patch_shape: Tuple[int, int] = (224, 224), discard_empty_images: bool = True, val_fraction: float = 0.05, download: bool = False, **kwargs) ->
318def get_mitolab_loader(
319    path: Union[os.PathLike, str],
320    split: str,
321    batch_size: int,
322    patch_shape: Tuple[int, int] = (224, 224),
323    discard_empty_images: bool = True,
324    val_fraction: float = 0.05,
325    download: bool = False,
326    **kwargs
327) -> DataLoader:
328    """Get the dataloader for the MitoLab training data.
330    Args:
331        path: Filepath to a folder where the downloaded data will be saved.
332        split: The data split. Either 'train' or 'val'.
333        batch_size: The batch size for training.
334        patch_shape: The patch shape to use for training.
335        discard_empty_images: Whether to discard images without annotations.
336        val_fraction: The fraction of the data to use for validation.
337        download: Whether to download the data if it is not present.
338        kwargs: Additional keyword arguments for `torch_em.default_segmentation_dataset` or for the PyTorch DataLoader.
340    Returns:
341        The PyTorch DataLoader.
342    """
343    ds_kwargs, loader_kwargs = util.split_kwargs(torch_em.default_segmentation_dataset, **kwargs)
344    dataset = get_mitolab_dataset(
345        path=path,
346        split=split,
347        patch_shape=patch_shape,
348        val_fraction=val_fraction,
349        download=download,
350        discard_empty_images=discard_empty_images,
351        **ds_kwargs
352    )
353    return torch_em.get_data_loader(dataset, batch_size, **loader_kwargs)

Get the dataloader for the MitoLab training data.

  • path: Filepath to a folder where the downloaded data will be saved.
  • split: The data split. Either 'train' or 'val'.
  • batch_size: The batch size for training.
  • patch_shape: The patch shape to use for training.
  • discard_empty_images: Whether to discard images without annotations.
  • val_fraction: The fraction of the data to use for validation.
  • download: Whether to download the data if it is not present.
  • kwargs: Additional keyword arguments for torch_em.default_segmentation_dataset or for the PyTorch DataLoader.

The PyTorch DataLoader.

def get_cem15m_loader(path):
356def get_cem15m_loader(path):
357    raise NotImplementedError
def get_benchmark_loader( path: Union[os.PathLike, str], dataset_id: int, batch_size: int, patch_shape: Tuple[int, int], download: bool = False, **kwargs) ->
360def get_benchmark_loader(
361    path: Union[os.PathLike, str],
362    dataset_id: int,
363    batch_size: int,
364    patch_shape: Tuple[int, int],
365    download: bool = False,
366    **kwargs
367) -> DataLoader:
368    """Get the dataloader for one of the MitoLab benchmark datasets.
370    Args:
371        path: Filepath to a folder where the downloaded data will be saved.
372        dataset_id: The id of the benchmark dataset to download.
373        batch_size: The batch size for training.
374        patch_shape: The patch shape to use for training.
375        download: Whether to download the data if it is not present.
376        kwargs: Additional keyword arguments for `torch_em.default_segmentation_dataset` or for the PyTorch DataLoader.
378    Returns:
379        The DataLoader.
380    """
381    ds_kwargs, loader_kwargs = util.split_kwargs(torch_em.default_segmentation_dataset, **kwargs)
382    dataset = get_benchmark_dataset(path, dataset_id, patch_shape=patch_shape, download=download, **ds_kwargs)
383    return torch_em.get_data_loader(dataset, batch_size, **loader_kwargs)

Get the dataloader for one of the MitoLab benchmark datasets.

  • path: Filepath to a folder where the downloaded data will be saved.
  • dataset_id: The id of the benchmark dataset to download.
  • batch_size: The batch size for training.
  • patch_shape: The patch shape to use for training.
  • download: Whether to download the data if it is not present.
  • kwargs: Additional keyword arguments for torch_em.default_segmentation_dataset or for the PyTorch DataLoader.

The DataLoader.