DeepBacs is a dataset for segmenting bacteria in label-free light microscopy.

This dataset is from the publication Please cite it if you use this dataset in your research.

  1"""DeepBacs is a dataset for segmenting bacteria in label-free light microscopy.
  3This dataset is from the publication
  4Please cite it if you use this dataset in your research.
  7import os
  8import shutil
  9from glob import glob
 10from typing import Tuple, Union
 12import numpy as np
 14from import Dataset, DataLoader
 16import torch_em
 18from .. import util
 20URLS = {
 21    "s_aureus": "",  # noqa
 22    "e_coli": "",  # noqa
 23    "b_subtilis": "",
 24    "mixed": "",
 27    "s_aureus": "4047792f1248ee82fce34121d0ade84828e55db5a34656cc25beec46eacaf307",
 28    "e_coli": "f812a2f814c3875c78fcc1609a2e9b34c916c7a9911abbf8117f423536ef1c17",
 29    "b_subtilis": "1",
 30    "mixed": "2730e6b391637d6dc05bbc7b8c915fd8184d835ac3611e13f23ac6f10f86c2a0",
 34def _assort_val_set(path, bac_type):
 35    image_paths = glob(os.path.join(path, bac_type, "training", "source", "*"))
 36    image_paths = [os.path.split(_path)[-1] for _path in image_paths]
 38    val_partition = 0.2
 39    # let's get a balanced set of bacterias, if bac_type is mixed
 40    if bac_type == "mixed":
 41        _sort_1, _sort_2, _sort_3 = [], [], []
 42        for _path in image_paths:
 43            if _path.startswith("JE2"):
 44                _sort_1.append(_path)
 45            elif _path.startswith("pos"):
 46                _sort_2.append(_path)
 47            elif _path.startswith("train_"):
 48                _sort_3.append(_path)
 50        val_image_paths = [
 51            *np.random.choice(_sort_1, size=int(val_partition * len(_sort_1)), replace=False),
 52            *np.random.choice(_sort_2, size=int(val_partition * len(_sort_2)), replace=False),
 53            *np.random.choice(_sort_3, size=int(val_partition * len(_sort_3)), replace=False)
 54        ]
 55    else:
 56        val_image_paths = np.random.choice(image_paths, size=int(val_partition * len(image_paths)), replace=False)
 58    val_image_dir = os.path.join(path, bac_type, "val", "source")
 59    val_label_dir = os.path.join(path, bac_type, "val", "target")
 60    os.makedirs(val_image_dir, exist_ok=True)
 61    os.makedirs(val_label_dir, exist_ok=True)
 63    for sample_id in val_image_paths:
 64        src_val_image_path = os.path.join(path, bac_type, "training", "source", sample_id)
 65        dst_val_image_path = os.path.join(val_image_dir, sample_id)
 66        shutil.move(src_val_image_path, dst_val_image_path)
 68        src_val_label_path = os.path.join(path, bac_type, "training", "target", sample_id)
 69        dst_val_label_path = os.path.join(val_label_dir, sample_id)
 70        shutil.move(src_val_label_path, dst_val_label_path)
 73def get_deepbacs_data(path: Union[os.PathLike, str], bac_type: str, download: bool) -> str:
 74    f"""Download the DeepBacs training data.
 76    Args:
 77        path: Filepath to a folder where the downloaded data will be saved.
 78        bac_type: The bacteria type. The available types are:
 79            {', '.join(URLS.keys())}
 80        download: Whether to download the data if it is not present.
 82    Returns:
 83        The filepath to the training data.
 84    """
 85    bac_types = list(URLS.keys())
 86    assert bac_type in bac_types, f"{bac_type} is not in expected bacteria types: {bac_types}"
 88    data_folder = os.path.join(path, bac_type)
 89    if os.path.exists(data_folder):
 90        return data_folder
 92    os.makedirs(path, exist_ok=True)
 93    zip_path = os.path.join(path, f"{bac_type}.zip")
 94    if not os.path.exists(zip_path):
 95        util.download_source(zip_path, URLS[bac_type], download, checksum=CHECKSUMS[bac_type])
 96    util.unzip(zip_path, os.path.join(path, bac_type))
 98    # Get a val split for the expected bacteria type.
 99    _assort_val_set(path, bac_type)
100    return data_folder
103def get_deepbacs_paths(
104    path: Union[os.PathLike, str], bac_type: str, split: str, download: bool = False
105) -> Tuple[str, str]:
106    f"""Get paths to the DeepBacs data.
108    Args:
109        path: Filepath to a folder where the downloaded data will be saved.
110        split: The split to use for the dataset. Either 'train', 'val' or 'test'.
111        bac_type: The bacteria type. The available types are:
112            {', '.join(URLS.keys())}
113        download: Whether to download the data if it is not present.
115    Returns:
116        Filepath to the folder where image data is stored.
117        Filepath to the folder where label data is stored.
118    """
119    get_deepbacs_data(path, bac_type, download)
121    # the bacteria types other than mixed are a bit more complicated so we don't have the dataloaders for them yet
122    # mixed is the combination of all other types
123    if split == "train":
124        dir_choice = "training"
125    else:
126        dir_choice = split
128    if bac_type != "mixed":
129        raise NotImplementedError(f"Currently only the bacteria type 'mixed' is supported, not {bac_type}")
131    image_folder = os.path.join(path, bac_type, dir_choice, "source")
132    label_folder = os.path.join(path, bac_type, dir_choice, "target")
134    return image_folder, label_folder
137def get_deepbacs_dataset(
138    path: Union[os.PathLike, str],
139    split: str,
140    patch_shape: Tuple[int, int],
141    bac_type: str = "mixed",
142    download: bool = False,
143    **kwargs
144) -> Dataset:
145    f"""Get the DeepBacs dataset for bacteria segmentation.
147    Args:
148        path: Filepath to a folder where the downloaded data will be saved.
149        split: The split to use for the dataset. Either 'train', 'val' or 'test'.
150        patch_shape: The patch shape to use for training.
151        bac_type: The bacteria type. The available types are:
152            {', '.join(URLS.keys())}
153        download: Whether to download the data if it is not present.
154        kwargs: Additional keyword arguments for `torch_em.default_segmentation_dataset`.
156    Returns:
157       The segmentation dataset.
158    """
159    assert split in ("train", "val", "test")
161    image_folder, label_folder = get_deepbacs_paths(path, bac_type, split, download)
163    return torch_em.default_segmentation_dataset(
164        raw_paths=image_folder,
165        raw_key="*.tif",
166        label_paths=label_folder,
167        label_key="*.tif",
168        patch_shape=patch_shape,
169        **kwargs
170    )
173def get_deepbacs_loader(
174    path: Union[os.PathLike, str],
175    split: str,
176    patch_shape: Tuple[int, int],
177    batch_size: int,
178    bac_type: str = "mixed",
179    download: bool = False,
180    **kwargs
181) -> DataLoader:
182    f"""Get the DeepBacs dataset for bacteria segmentation.
184    Args:
185        path: Filepath to a folder where the downloaded data will be saved.
186        split: The split to use for the dataset. Either 'train', 'val' or 'test'.
187        patch_shape: The patch shape to use for training.
188        batch_size: The batch size for training.
189        bac_type: The bacteria type. The available types are:
190            {', '.join(URLS.keys())}
191        download: Whether to download the data if it is not present.
192        kwargs: Additional keyword arguments for `torch_em.default_segmentation_dataset` or for the PyTorch DataLoader.
194    Returns:
195        The DataLoader.
196    """
197    ds_kwargs, loader_kwargs = util.split_kwargs(torch_em.default_segmentation_dataset, **kwargs)
198    dataset = get_deepbacs_dataset(path, split, patch_shape, bac_type=bac_type, download=download, **ds_kwargs)
199    return torch_em.get_data_loader(dataset, batch_size, **loader_kwargs)
URLS = {'s_aureus': '', 'e_coli': '', 'b_subtilis': '', 'mixed': ''}
CHECKSUMS = {'s_aureus': '4047792f1248ee82fce34121d0ade84828e55db5a34656cc25beec46eacaf307', 'e_coli': 'f812a2f814c3875c78fcc1609a2e9b34c916c7a9911abbf8117f423536ef1c17', 'b_subtilis': '1', 'mixed': '2730e6b391637d6dc05bbc7b8c915fd8184d835ac3611e13f23ac6f10f86c2a0'}
def get_deepbacs_data(path: Union[os.PathLike, str], bac_type: str, download: bool) -> str:
 74def get_deepbacs_data(path: Union[os.PathLike, str], bac_type: str, download: bool) -> str:
 75    f"""Download the DeepBacs training data.
 77    Args:
 78        path: Filepath to a folder where the downloaded data will be saved.
 79        bac_type: The bacteria type. The available types are:
 80            {', '.join(URLS.keys())}
 81        download: Whether to download the data if it is not present.
 83    Returns:
 84        The filepath to the training data.
 85    """
 86    bac_types = list(URLS.keys())
 87    assert bac_type in bac_types, f"{bac_type} is not in expected bacteria types: {bac_types}"
 89    data_folder = os.path.join(path, bac_type)
 90    if os.path.exists(data_folder):
 91        return data_folder
 93    os.makedirs(path, exist_ok=True)
 94    zip_path = os.path.join(path, f"{bac_type}.zip")
 95    if not os.path.exists(zip_path):
 96        util.download_source(zip_path, URLS[bac_type], download, checksum=CHECKSUMS[bac_type])
 97    util.unzip(zip_path, os.path.join(path, bac_type))
 99    # Get a val split for the expected bacteria type.
100    _assort_val_set(path, bac_type)
101    return data_folder
def get_deepbacs_paths( path: Union[os.PathLike, str], bac_type: str, split: str, download: bool = False) -> Tuple[str, str]:
104def get_deepbacs_paths(
105    path: Union[os.PathLike, str], bac_type: str, split: str, download: bool = False
106) -> Tuple[str, str]:
107    f"""Get paths to the DeepBacs data.
109    Args:
110        path: Filepath to a folder where the downloaded data will be saved.
111        split: The split to use for the dataset. Either 'train', 'val' or 'test'.
112        bac_type: The bacteria type. The available types are:
113            {', '.join(URLS.keys())}
114        download: Whether to download the data if it is not present.
116    Returns:
117        Filepath to the folder where image data is stored.
118        Filepath to the folder where label data is stored.
119    """
120    get_deepbacs_data(path, bac_type, download)
122    # the bacteria types other than mixed are a bit more complicated so we don't have the dataloaders for them yet
123    # mixed is the combination of all other types
124    if split == "train":
125        dir_choice = "training"
126    else:
127        dir_choice = split
129    if bac_type != "mixed":
130        raise NotImplementedError(f"Currently only the bacteria type 'mixed' is supported, not {bac_type}")
132    image_folder = os.path.join(path, bac_type, dir_choice, "source")
133    label_folder = os.path.join(path, bac_type, dir_choice, "target")
135    return image_folder, label_folder
def get_deepbacs_dataset( path: Union[os.PathLike, str], split: str, patch_shape: Tuple[int, int], bac_type: str = 'mixed', download: bool = False, **kwargs) ->
138def get_deepbacs_dataset(
139    path: Union[os.PathLike, str],
140    split: str,
141    patch_shape: Tuple[int, int],
142    bac_type: str = "mixed",
143    download: bool = False,
144    **kwargs
145) -> Dataset:
146    f"""Get the DeepBacs dataset for bacteria segmentation.
148    Args:
149        path: Filepath to a folder where the downloaded data will be saved.
150        split: The split to use for the dataset. Either 'train', 'val' or 'test'.
151        patch_shape: The patch shape to use for training.
152        bac_type: The bacteria type. The available types are:
153            {', '.join(URLS.keys())}
154        download: Whether to download the data if it is not present.
155        kwargs: Additional keyword arguments for `torch_em.default_segmentation_dataset`.
157    Returns:
158       The segmentation dataset.
159    """
160    assert split in ("train", "val", "test")
162    image_folder, label_folder = get_deepbacs_paths(path, bac_type, split, download)
164    return torch_em.default_segmentation_dataset(
165        raw_paths=image_folder,
166        raw_key="*.tif",
167        label_paths=label_folder,
168        label_key="*.tif",
169        patch_shape=patch_shape,
170        **kwargs
171    )
def get_deepbacs_loader( path: Union[os.PathLike, str], split: str, patch_shape: Tuple[int, int], batch_size: int, bac_type: str = 'mixed', download: bool = False, **kwargs) ->
174def get_deepbacs_loader(
175    path: Union[os.PathLike, str],
176    split: str,
177    patch_shape: Tuple[int, int],
178    batch_size: int,
179    bac_type: str = "mixed",
180    download: bool = False,
181    **kwargs
182) -> DataLoader:
183    f"""Get the DeepBacs dataset for bacteria segmentation.
185    Args:
186        path: Filepath to a folder where the downloaded data will be saved.
187        split: The split to use for the dataset. Either 'train', 'val' or 'test'.
188        patch_shape: The patch shape to use for training.
189        batch_size: The batch size for training.
190        bac_type: The bacteria type. The available types are:
191            {', '.join(URLS.keys())}
192        download: Whether to download the data if it is not present.
193        kwargs: Additional keyword arguments for `torch_em.default_segmentation_dataset` or for the PyTorch DataLoader.
195    Returns:
196        The DataLoader.
197    """
198    ds_kwargs, loader_kwargs = util.split_kwargs(torch_em.default_segmentation_dataset, **kwargs)
199    dataset = get_deepbacs_dataset(path, split, patch_shape, bac_type=bac_type, download=download, **ds_kwargs)
200    return torch_em.get_data_loader(dataset, batch_size, **loader_kwargs)