
  1from functools import partial
  2from typing import List, Optional
  4import numpy as np
  5import elf.evaluation as elfval
  6import elf.segmentation as elfseg
  7import elf.segmentation.embeddings as elfemb
  8import torch
  9import torch.nn as nn
 10import vigra
 11from elf.segmentation.watershed import apply_size_filter
 14class BaseInstanceSegmentationMetric(nn.Module):
 15    """@private
 16    """
 17    def __init__(self, segmenter, metric, to_numpy=True):
 18        super().__init__()
 19        self.segmenter = segmenter
 20        self.metric = metric
 21        self.to_numpy = to_numpy
 23    def forward(self, input_, target):
 24        if self.to_numpy:
 25            input_ = input_.detach().cpu().numpy().astype("float32")
 26            target = target.detach().cpu().numpy()
 27        assert input_.ndim == target.ndim
 28        assert len(input_) == len(target)
 29        scores = []
 30        # compute the metric per batch
 31        for pred, trgt in zip(input_, target):
 32            seg = self.segmenter(pred)
 33            # by convention we assume that the segmentation channel is always in the last channel of trgt
 34            scores.append(self.metric(seg, trgt[-1].astype("uint32")))
 35        return torch.tensor(scores).mean()
 39# Segmenters
 42def filter_sizes(seg, min_seg_size, hmap=None):
 43    """@private
 44    """
 45    seg_ids, counts = np.unique(seg, return_counts=True)
 46    if hmap is None:
 47        bg_ids = seg_ids[counts < min_seg_size]
 48        seg[np.isin(seg, bg_ids)] = 0
 49    else:
 50        ndim = seg.ndim
 51        hmap_ = hmap if hmap.ndim == ndim else np.max(hmap, axis=0)
 52        seg, _ = apply_size_filter(seg, hmap_, min_seg_size)
 53    return seg
 56class MWS:
 57    """@private
 58    """
 59    def __init__(self, offsets, with_background, min_seg_size, strides=None):
 60        self.offsets = offsets
 61        self.with_background = with_background
 62        self.min_seg_size = min_seg_size
 63        if strides is None:
 64            strides = [4] * len(offsets[0])
 65        assert len(strides) == len(offsets[0])
 66        self.strides = strides
 68    def __call__(self, affinities):
 69        if self.with_background:
 70            assert len(affinities) == len(self.offsets) + 1
 71            mask, affinities = affinities[0], affinities[1:]
 72        else:
 73            assert len(affinities) == len(self.offsets)
 74            mask = None
 75        seg = elfseg.mutex_watershed.mutex_watershed(affinities, self.offsets, self.strides,
 76                                                     randomize_strides=True, mask=mask).astype("uint32")
 77        if self.min_seg_size > 0:
 78            seg = filter_sizes(seg, self.min_seg_size,
 79                               hmap=None if self.with_background else affinities)
 80        return seg
 83class EmbeddingMWS:
 84    """@private
 85    """
 86    def __init__(self, delta, offsets, with_background, min_seg_size, strides=None):
 87 = delta
 88        self.offsets = offsets
 89        self.with_background = with_background
 90        self.min_seg_size = min_seg_size
 91        if strides is None:
 92            strides = [4] * len(offsets[0])
 93        assert len(strides) == len(offsets[0])
 94        self.strides = strides
 96    def merge_background(self, seg, embeddings):
 97        seg += 1
 98        seg_ids, counts = np.unique(seg, return_counts=True)
 99        bg_seg = seg_ids[np.argmax(counts)]
100        mean_embeddings = []
101        for emb in embeddings:
102            mean_embeddings.append(vigra.analysis.extractRegionFeatures(emb, seg, features=["mean"])["mean"][None])
103        mean_embeddings = np.concatenate(mean_embeddings, axis=0)
104        bg_embed = mean_embeddings[:, bg_seg][:, None]
105        bg_probs = elfemb._embeddings_to_probabilities(mean_embeddings, bg_embed,, 0)
106        bg_ids = np.where(bg_probs > 0.5)
107        seg[np.isin(seg, bg_ids)] = 0
108        vigra.analysis.relabelConsecutive(seg, out=seg)
109        return seg
111    def __call__(self, embeddings):
112        weight = partial(elfemb.discriminative_loss_weight,
113        seg = elfemb.segment_embeddings_mws(
114            embeddings, "l2", self.offsets, strides=self.strides, weight_function=weight
115        ).astype("uint32")
116        if self.with_background:
117            seg = self.merge_background(seg, embeddings)
118        if self.min_seg_size > 0:
119            seg = filter_sizes(seg, self.min_seg_size)
120        return seg
123class Multicut:
124    """@private
125    """
126    def __init__(self, min_seg_size, anisotropic=False, dt_threshold=0.25, sigma_seeds=2.0, solver="decomposition"):
127        self.min_seg_size = min_seg_size
128        self.anisotropic = anisotropic
129        self.dt_threshold = dt_threshold
130        self.sigma_seeds = sigma_seeds
131        self.solver = solver
133    def __call__(self, boundaries):
134        if boundaries.shape[0] == 1:
135            boundaries = boundaries[0]
136        assert boundaries.ndim in (2, 3), f"{boundaries.ndim}"
137        if self.anisotropic and boundaries.ndim == 3:
138            ws, max_id = elfseg.stacked_watershed(boundaries, threshold=self.dt_threshold,
139                                                  sigma_seed=self.sigma_seeds,
140                                                  sigma_weights=self.sigma_seeds,
141                                                  n_threads=1)
142        else:
143            ws, max_id = elfseg.distance_transform_watershed(boundaries, threshold=self.dt_threshold,
144                                                             sigma_seeds=self.sigma_seeds,
145                                                             sigma_weights=self.sigma_seeds)
146        rag = elfseg.compute_rag(ws, max_id + 1, n_threads=1)
147        feats = elfseg.compute_boundary_mean_and_length(rag, boundaries, n_threads=1)[:, 0]
148        costs = elfseg.compute_edge_costs(feats)
149        solver = elfseg.get_multicut_solver(self.solver)
150        node_labels = solver(rag, costs, n_threads=1)
151        seg = elfseg.project_node_labels_to_pixels(rag, node_labels, n_threads=1).astype("uint32")
152        if self.min_seg_size > 0:
153            seg = filter_sizes(seg, self.min_seg_size, hmap=boundaries)
154        return seg
157class HDBScan:
158    """@private
159    """
160    def __init__(self, min_size, eps, remove_largest):
161        self.min_size = min_size
162        self.eps = eps
163        self.remove_largest = remove_largest
165    def __call__(self, embeddings):
166        return elfemb.segment_hdbscan(embeddings, self.min_size, self.eps, self.remove_largest)
170# Metrics
173class IOUError:
174    """@private
175    """
176    def __init__(self, threshold=0.5, metric="precision"):
177        self.threshold = threshold
178        self.metric = metric
180    def __call__(self, seg, target):
181        score = 1.0 - elfval.matching(seg, target, threshold=self.threshold)[self.metric]
182        return score
185class VariationOfInformation:
186    """@private
187    """
188    def __call__(self, seg, target):
189        vis, vim = elfval.variation_of_information(seg, target)
190        return vis + vim
193class AdaptedRandError:
194    """@private
195    """
196    def __call__(self, seg, target):
197        are, _ = elfval.rand_index(seg, target)
198        return are
201class SymmetricBestDice:
202    """@private
203    """
204    def __call__(self, seg, target):
205        score = 1.0 - elfval.symmetric_best_dice_score(seg, target)
206        return score
210# Prefab Full Metrics
214class EmbeddingMWSIOUMetric(BaseInstanceSegmentationMetric):
215    """Intersection over union metric based on mutex watershed computed from embedding-derived affinites.
217    This class can be used as validation metric when training a network for instance segmentation.
219    Args:
220        delta: The hinge distance of the contrastive loss for training the embeddings.
221        offsets: The offsets for deriving the affinities from the embeddings.
222        min_seg_size: Size for filtering the segmentation objects.
223        iou_threshold: Threshold for the intersection over union metric.
224        strides: The strides for the mutex watershed.
225    """
226    def __init__(
227        self,
228        delta: float,
229        offsets: List[List[int]],
230        min_seg_size: int,
231        iou_threshold: float = 0.5,
232        strides: Optional[List[int]] = None,
233    ):
234        segmenter = EmbeddingMWS(delta, offsets, with_background=True, min_seg_size=min_seg_size)
235        metric = IOUError(iou_threshold)
236        super().__init__(segmenter, metric)
237        self.init_kwargs = {"delta": delta, "offsets": offsets, "min_seg_size": min_seg_size,
238                            "iou_threshold": iou_threshold, "strides": strides}
241class EmbeddingMWSSBDMetric(BaseInstanceSegmentationMetric):
242    """Symmetric best dice metric based on mutex watershed computed from embedding-derived affinites.
244    This class can be used as validation metric when training a network for instance segmentation.
246    Args:
247        delta: The hinge distance of the contrastive loss for training the embeddings.
248        offsets: The offsets for deriving the affinities from the embeddings.
249        min_seg_size: Size for filtering the segmentation objects.
250        strides: The strides for the mutex watershed.
251    """
252    def __init__(self, delta: float, offsets: List[List[int]], min_seg_size: int, strides: Optional[List[int]] = None):
253        segmenter = EmbeddingMWS(delta, offsets, with_background=True, min_seg_size=min_seg_size)
254        metric = SymmetricBestDice()
255        super().__init__(segmenter, metric)
256        self.init_kwargs = {"delta": delta, "offsets": offsets, "min_seg_size": min_seg_size, "strides": strides}
259class EmbeddingMWSVOIMetric(BaseInstanceSegmentationMetric):
260    """Variation of inofrmation metric based on mutex watershed computed from embedding-derived affinites.
262    This class can be used as validation metric when training a network for instance segmentation.
264    Args:
265        delta: The hinge distance of the contrastive loss for training the embeddings.
266        offsets: The offsets for deriving the affinities from the embeddings.
267        min_seg_size: Size for filtering the segmentation objects.
268        strides: The strides for the mutex watershed.
269    """
270    def __init__(self, delta: float, offsets: List[List[int]], min_seg_size: int, strides: Optional[List[int]] = None):
271        segmenter = EmbeddingMWS(delta, offsets, with_background=False, min_seg_size=min_seg_size)
272        metric = VariationOfInformation()
273        super().__init__(segmenter, metric)
274        self.init_kwargs = {"delta": delta, "offsets": offsets, "min_seg_size": min_seg_size, "strides": strides}
277class EmbeddingMWSRandMetric(BaseInstanceSegmentationMetric):
278    """Rand index metric based on mutex watershed computed from embedding-derived affinites.
280    This class can be used as validation metric when training a network for instance segmentation.
282    Args:
283        delta: The hinge distance of the contrastive loss for training the embeddings.
284        offsets: The offsets for deriving the affinities from the embeddings.
285        min_seg_size: Size for filtering the segmentation objects.
286        strides: The strides for the mutex watershed.
287    """
288    def __init__(self, delta: float, offsets: List[List[int]], min_seg_size: int, strides: Optional[List[int]] = None):
289        segmenter = EmbeddingMWS(delta, offsets, with_background=False, min_seg_size=min_seg_size)
290        metric = AdaptedRandError()
291        super().__init__(segmenter, metric)
292        self.init_kwargs = {"delta": delta, "offsets": offsets, "min_seg_size": min_seg_size, "strides": strides}
295class HDBScanIOUMetric(BaseInstanceSegmentationMetric):
296    """Intersection over union metric based on HDBScan computed from embeddings.
298    This class can be used as validation metric when training a network for instance segmentation.
300    Args:
301        min_size: The minimal segment size.
302        eps: The epsilon value for HDBScan.
303        iou_threshold: The threshold for the intersection over union value.
304    """
305    def __init__(self, min_size: int, eps: float, iou_threshold: float = 0.5):
306        segmenter = HDBScan(min_size=min_size, eps=eps, remove_largest=True)
307        metric = IOUError(iou_threshold)
308        super().__init__(segmenter, metric)
309        self.init_kwargs = {"min_size": min_size, "eps": eps, "iou_threshold": iou_threshold}
312class HDBScanSBDMetric(BaseInstanceSegmentationMetric):
313    """Symmetric best dice metric based on HDBScan computed from embeddings.
315    This class can be used as validation metric when training a network for instance segmentation.
317    Args:
318        min_size: The minimal segment size.
319        eps: The epsilon value for HDBScan.
320    """
321    def __init__(self, min_size: int, eps: float):
322        segmenter = HDBScan(min_size=min_size, eps=eps, remove_largest=True)
323        metric = SymmetricBestDice()
324        super().__init__(segmenter, metric)
325        self.init_kwargs = {"min_size": min_size, "eps": eps}
328class HDBScanRandMetric(BaseInstanceSegmentationMetric):
329    """Rand index metric based on HDBScan computed from embeddings.
331    This class can be used as validation metric when training a network for instance segmentation.
333    Args:
334        min_size: The minimal segment size.
335        eps: The epsilon value for HDBScan.
336    """
337    def __init__(self, min_size: int, eps: float):
338        segmenter = HDBScan(min_size=min_size, eps=eps, remove_largest=True)
339        metric = AdaptedRandError()
340        super().__init__(segmenter, metric)
341        self.init_kwargs = {"min_size": min_size, "eps": eps}
344class HDBScanVOIMetric(BaseInstanceSegmentationMetric):
345    """Variation of information metric based on HDBScan computed from embeddings.
347    This class can be used as validation metric when training a network for instance segmentation.
349    Args:
350        min_size: The minimal segment size.
351        eps: The epsilon value for HDBScan.
352    """
353    def __init__(self, min_size: int, eps: float):
354        segmenter = HDBScan(min_size=min_size, eps=eps, remove_largest=True)
355        metric = VariationOfInformation()
356        super().__init__(segmenter, metric)
357        self.init_kwargs = {"min_size": min_size, "eps": eps}
360class MulticutVOIMetric(BaseInstanceSegmentationMetric):
361    """Variation of information metric based on a multicut computed from boundary predictions.
363    This class can be used as validation metric when training a network for instance segmentation.
365    Args:
366        min_seg_size: The minimal segment size.
367        anisotropic: Whether to compute the watersheds in 2d for volumetric data.
368        dt_threshold: The threshold to apply to the boundary predictions before computing the distance transform.
369        sigma_seeds: The sigma value for smoothing the distance transform before computing seeds.
370    """
371    def __init__(
372        self, min_seg_size: int, anisotropic: bool = False, dt_threshold: float = 0.25, sigma_seeds: float = 2.0
373    ):
374        segmenter = Multicut(dt_threshold, anisotropic, sigma_seeds)
375        metric = VariationOfInformation()
376        super().__init__(segmenter, metric)
377        self.init_kwargs = {"anisotropic": anisotropic, "min_seg_size": min_seg_size,
378                            "dt_threshold": dt_threshold, "sigma_seeds": sigma_seeds}
381class MulticutRandMetric(BaseInstanceSegmentationMetric):
382    """Rand index metric based on a multicut computed from boundary predictions.
384    This class can be used as validation metric when training a network for instance segmentation.
386    Args:
387        min_seg_size: The minimal segment size.
388        anisotropic: Whether to compute the watersheds in 2d for volumetric data.
389        dt_threshold: The threshold to apply to the boundary predictions before computing the distance transform.
390        sigma_seeds: The sigma value for smoothing the distance transform before computing seeds.
391    """
392    def __init__(
393        self, min_seg_size: int, anisotropic: bool = False, dt_threshold: float = 0.25, sigma_seeds: float = 2.0
394    ):
395        segmenter = Multicut(dt_threshold, anisotropic, sigma_seeds)
396        metric = AdaptedRandError()
397        super().__init__(segmenter, metric)
398        self.init_kwargs = {"anisotropic": anisotropic, "min_seg_size": min_seg_size,
399                            "dt_threshold": dt_threshold, "sigma_seeds": sigma_seeds}
402class MWSIOUMetric(BaseInstanceSegmentationMetric):
403    """Intersection over union metric based on a mutex watershed computed from affinity predictions.
405    This class can be used as validation metric when training a network for instance segmentation.
407    Args:
408        offsets: The offsets corresponding to the affinity channels.
409        min_seg_size: The minimal segment size.
410        iou_threshold: The threshold for the intersection over union value.
411        strides: The strides for the mutex watershed.
412    """
413    def __init__(
414        self,
415        offsets: List[List[int]],
416        min_seg_size: int,
417        iou_threshold: float = 0.5,
418        strides: Optional[List[int]] = None
419    ):
420        segmenter = MWS(offsets, with_background=True, min_seg_size=min_seg_size, strides=strides)
421        metric = IOUError(iou_threshold)
422        super().__init__(segmenter, metric)
423        self.init_kwargs = {"offsets": offsets, "min_seg_size": min_seg_size,
424                            "iou_threshold": iou_threshold, "strides": strides}
427class MWSSBDMetric(BaseInstanceSegmentationMetric):
428    """Symmetric best dice score metric based on a mutex watershed computed from affinity predictions.
430    This class can be used as validation metric when training a network for instance segmentation.
432    Args:
433        offsets: The offsets corresponding to the affinity channels.
434        min_seg_size: The minimal segment size.
435        strides: The strides for the mutex watershed.
436    """
437    def __init__(self, offsets: List[List[int]], min_seg_size: int, strides: Optional[List[int]] = None):
438        segmenter = MWS(offsets, with_background=True, min_seg_size=min_seg_size, strides=strides)
439        metric = SymmetricBestDice()
440        super().__init__(segmenter, metric)
441        self.init_kwargs = {"offsets": offsets, "min_seg_size": min_seg_size, "strides": strides}
444class MWSVOIMetric(BaseInstanceSegmentationMetric):
445    """Variation of information metric based on a mutex watershed computed from affinity predictions.
447    This class can be used as validation metric when training a network for instance segmentation.
449    Args:
450        offsets: The offsets corresponding to the affinity channels.
451        min_seg_size: The minimal segment size.
452        strides: The strides for the mutex watershed.
453    """
454    def __init__(self, offsets: List[List[int]], min_seg_size: int, strides: Optional[List[int]] = None):
455        segmenter = MWS(offsets, with_background=False, min_seg_size=min_seg_size, strides=strides)
456        metric = VariationOfInformation()
457        super().__init__(segmenter, metric)
458        self.init_kwargs = {"offsets": offsets, "min_seg_size": min_seg_size, "strides": strides}
461class MWSRandMetric(BaseInstanceSegmentationMetric):
462    """Rand index metric based on a mutex watershed computed from affinity predictions.
464    This class can be used as validation metric when training a network for instance segmentation.
466    Args:
467        offsets: The offsets corresponding to the affinity channels.
468        min_seg_size: The minimal segment size.
469        strides: The strides for the mutex watershed.
470    """
471    def __init__(self, offsets: List[List[int]], min_seg_size: int, strides: Optional[List[int]] = None):
472        segmenter = MWS(offsets, with_background=False, min_seg_size=min_seg_size, strides=strides)
473        metric = AdaptedRandError()
474        super().__init__(segmenter, metric)
475        self.init_kwargs = {"offsets": offsets, "min_seg_size": min_seg_size, "strides": strides}
class EmbeddingMWSIOUMetric(BaseInstanceSegmentationMetric):
215class EmbeddingMWSIOUMetric(BaseInstanceSegmentationMetric):
216    """Intersection over union metric based on mutex watershed computed from embedding-derived affinites.
218    This class can be used as validation metric when training a network for instance segmentation.
220    Args:
221        delta: The hinge distance of the contrastive loss for training the embeddings.
222        offsets: The offsets for deriving the affinities from the embeddings.
223        min_seg_size: Size for filtering the segmentation objects.
224        iou_threshold: Threshold for the intersection over union metric.
225        strides: The strides for the mutex watershed.
226    """
227    def __init__(
228        self,
229        delta: float,
230        offsets: List[List[int]],
231        min_seg_size: int,
232        iou_threshold: float = 0.5,
233        strides: Optional[List[int]] = None,
234    ):
235        segmenter = EmbeddingMWS(delta, offsets, with_background=True, min_seg_size=min_seg_size)
236        metric = IOUError(iou_threshold)
237        super().__init__(segmenter, metric)
238        self.init_kwargs = {"delta": delta, "offsets": offsets, "min_seg_size": min_seg_size,
239                            "iou_threshold": iou_threshold, "strides": strides}

Intersection over union metric based on mutex watershed computed from embedding-derived affinites.

This class can be used as validation metric when training a network for instance segmentation.

  • delta: The hinge distance of the contrastive loss for training the embeddings.
  • offsets: The offsets for deriving the affinities from the embeddings.
  • min_seg_size: Size for filtering the segmentation objects.
  • iou_threshold: Threshold for the intersection over union metric.
  • strides: The strides for the mutex watershed.
EmbeddingMWSIOUMetric( delta: float, offsets: List[List[int]], min_seg_size: int, iou_threshold: float = 0.5, strides: Optional[List[int]] = None)
227    def __init__(
228        self,
229        delta: float,
230        offsets: List[List[int]],
231        min_seg_size: int,
232        iou_threshold: float = 0.5,
233        strides: Optional[List[int]] = None,
234    ):
235        segmenter = EmbeddingMWS(delta, offsets, with_background=True, min_seg_size=min_seg_size)
236        metric = IOUError(iou_threshold)
237        super().__init__(segmenter, metric)
238        self.init_kwargs = {"delta": delta, "offsets": offsets, "min_seg_size": min_seg_size,
239                            "iou_threshold": iou_threshold, "strides": strides}

Initialize internal Module state, shared by both nn.Module and ScriptModule.

class EmbeddingMWSSBDMetric(BaseInstanceSegmentationMetric):
242class EmbeddingMWSSBDMetric(BaseInstanceSegmentationMetric):
243    """Symmetric best dice metric based on mutex watershed computed from embedding-derived affinites.
245    This class can be used as validation metric when training a network for instance segmentation.
247    Args:
248        delta: The hinge distance of the contrastive loss for training the embeddings.
249        offsets: The offsets for deriving the affinities from the embeddings.
250        min_seg_size: Size for filtering the segmentation objects.
251        strides: The strides for the mutex watershed.
252    """
253    def __init__(self, delta: float, offsets: List[List[int]], min_seg_size: int, strides: Optional[List[int]] = None):
254        segmenter = EmbeddingMWS(delta, offsets, with_background=True, min_seg_size=min_seg_size)
255        metric = SymmetricBestDice()
256        super().__init__(segmenter, metric)
257        self.init_kwargs = {"delta": delta, "offsets": offsets, "min_seg_size": min_seg_size, "strides": strides}

Symmetric best dice metric based on mutex watershed computed from embedding-derived affinites.

This class can be used as validation metric when training a network for instance segmentation.

  • delta: The hinge distance of the contrastive loss for training the embeddings.
  • offsets: The offsets for deriving the affinities from the embeddings.
  • min_seg_size: Size for filtering the segmentation objects.
  • strides: The strides for the mutex watershed.
EmbeddingMWSSBDMetric( delta: float, offsets: List[List[int]], min_seg_size: int, strides: Optional[List[int]] = None)
253    def __init__(self, delta: float, offsets: List[List[int]], min_seg_size: int, strides: Optional[List[int]] = None):
254        segmenter = EmbeddingMWS(delta, offsets, with_background=True, min_seg_size=min_seg_size)
255        metric = SymmetricBestDice()
256        super().__init__(segmenter, metric)
257        self.init_kwargs = {"delta": delta, "offsets": offsets, "min_seg_size": min_seg_size, "strides": strides}

Initialize internal Module state, shared by both nn.Module and ScriptModule.

class EmbeddingMWSVOIMetric(BaseInstanceSegmentationMetric):
260class EmbeddingMWSVOIMetric(BaseInstanceSegmentationMetric):
261    """Variation of inofrmation metric based on mutex watershed computed from embedding-derived affinites.
263    This class can be used as validation metric when training a network for instance segmentation.
265    Args:
266        delta: The hinge distance of the contrastive loss for training the embeddings.
267        offsets: The offsets for deriving the affinities from the embeddings.
268        min_seg_size: Size for filtering the segmentation objects.
269        strides: The strides for the mutex watershed.
270    """
271    def __init__(self, delta: float, offsets: List[List[int]], min_seg_size: int, strides: Optional[List[int]] = None):
272        segmenter = EmbeddingMWS(delta, offsets, with_background=False, min_seg_size=min_seg_size)
273        metric = VariationOfInformation()
274        super().__init__(segmenter, metric)
275        self.init_kwargs = {"delta": delta, "offsets": offsets, "min_seg_size": min_seg_size, "strides": strides}

Variation of inofrmation metric based on mutex watershed computed from embedding-derived affinites.

This class can be used as validation metric when training a network for instance segmentation.

  • delta: The hinge distance of the contrastive loss for training the embeddings.
  • offsets: The offsets for deriving the affinities from the embeddings.
  • min_seg_size: Size for filtering the segmentation objects.
  • strides: The strides for the mutex watershed.
EmbeddingMWSVOIMetric( delta: float, offsets: List[List[int]], min_seg_size: int, strides: Optional[List[int]] = None)
271    def __init__(self, delta: float, offsets: List[List[int]], min_seg_size: int, strides: Optional[List[int]] = None):
272        segmenter = EmbeddingMWS(delta, offsets, with_background=False, min_seg_size=min_seg_size)
273        metric = VariationOfInformation()
274        super().__init__(segmenter, metric)
275        self.init_kwargs = {"delta": delta, "offsets": offsets, "min_seg_size": min_seg_size, "strides": strides}

Initialize internal Module state, shared by both nn.Module and ScriptModule.

class EmbeddingMWSRandMetric(BaseInstanceSegmentationMetric):
278class EmbeddingMWSRandMetric(BaseInstanceSegmentationMetric):
279    """Rand index metric based on mutex watershed computed from embedding-derived affinites.
281    This class can be used as validation metric when training a network for instance segmentation.
283    Args:
284        delta: The hinge distance of the contrastive loss for training the embeddings.
285        offsets: The offsets for deriving the affinities from the embeddings.
286        min_seg_size: Size for filtering the segmentation objects.
287        strides: The strides for the mutex watershed.
288    """
289    def __init__(self, delta: float, offsets: List[List[int]], min_seg_size: int, strides: Optional[List[int]] = None):
290        segmenter = EmbeddingMWS(delta, offsets, with_background=False, min_seg_size=min_seg_size)
291        metric = AdaptedRandError()
292        super().__init__(segmenter, metric)
293        self.init_kwargs = {"delta": delta, "offsets": offsets, "min_seg_size": min_seg_size, "strides": strides}

Rand index metric based on mutex watershed computed from embedding-derived affinites.

This class can be used as validation metric when training a network for instance segmentation.

  • delta: The hinge distance of the contrastive loss for training the embeddings.
  • offsets: The offsets for deriving the affinities from the embeddings.
  • min_seg_size: Size for filtering the segmentation objects.
  • strides: The strides for the mutex watershed.
EmbeddingMWSRandMetric( delta: float, offsets: List[List[int]], min_seg_size: int, strides: Optional[List[int]] = None)
289    def __init__(self, delta: float, offsets: List[List[int]], min_seg_size: int, strides: Optional[List[int]] = None):
290        segmenter = EmbeddingMWS(delta, offsets, with_background=False, min_seg_size=min_seg_size)
291        metric = AdaptedRandError()
292        super().__init__(segmenter, metric)
293        self.init_kwargs = {"delta": delta, "offsets": offsets, "min_seg_size": min_seg_size, "strides": strides}

Initialize internal Module state, shared by both nn.Module and ScriptModule.

class HDBScanIOUMetric(BaseInstanceSegmentationMetric):
296class HDBScanIOUMetric(BaseInstanceSegmentationMetric):
297    """Intersection over union metric based on HDBScan computed from embeddings.
299    This class can be used as validation metric when training a network for instance segmentation.
301    Args:
302        min_size: The minimal segment size.
303        eps: The epsilon value for HDBScan.
304        iou_threshold: The threshold for the intersection over union value.
305    """
306    def __init__(self, min_size: int, eps: float, iou_threshold: float = 0.5):
307        segmenter = HDBScan(min_size=min_size, eps=eps, remove_largest=True)
308        metric = IOUError(iou_threshold)
309        super().__init__(segmenter, metric)
310        self.init_kwargs = {"min_size": min_size, "eps": eps, "iou_threshold": iou_threshold}

Intersection over union metric based on HDBScan computed from embeddings.

This class can be used as validation metric when training a network for instance segmentation.

  • min_size: The minimal segment size.
  • eps: The epsilon value for HDBScan.
  • iou_threshold: The threshold for the intersection over union value.
HDBScanIOUMetric(min_size: int, eps: float, iou_threshold: float = 0.5)
306    def __init__(self, min_size: int, eps: float, iou_threshold: float = 0.5):
307        segmenter = HDBScan(min_size=min_size, eps=eps, remove_largest=True)
308        metric = IOUError(iou_threshold)
309        super().__init__(segmenter, metric)
310        self.init_kwargs = {"min_size": min_size, "eps": eps, "iou_threshold": iou_threshold}

Initialize internal Module state, shared by both nn.Module and ScriptModule.

class HDBScanSBDMetric(BaseInstanceSegmentationMetric):
313class HDBScanSBDMetric(BaseInstanceSegmentationMetric):
314    """Symmetric best dice metric based on HDBScan computed from embeddings.
316    This class can be used as validation metric when training a network for instance segmentation.
318    Args:
319        min_size: The minimal segment size.
320        eps: The epsilon value for HDBScan.
321    """
322    def __init__(self, min_size: int, eps: float):
323        segmenter = HDBScan(min_size=min_size, eps=eps, remove_largest=True)
324        metric = SymmetricBestDice()
325        super().__init__(segmenter, metric)
326        self.init_kwargs = {"min_size": min_size, "eps": eps}

Symmetric best dice metric based on HDBScan computed from embeddings.

This class can be used as validation metric when training a network for instance segmentation.

  • min_size: The minimal segment size.
  • eps: The epsilon value for HDBScan.
HDBScanSBDMetric(min_size: int, eps: float)
322    def __init__(self, min_size: int, eps: float):
323        segmenter = HDBScan(min_size=min_size, eps=eps, remove_largest=True)
324        metric = SymmetricBestDice()
325        super().__init__(segmenter, metric)
326        self.init_kwargs = {"min_size": min_size, "eps": eps}

Initialize internal Module state, shared by both nn.Module and ScriptModule.

class HDBScanRandMetric(BaseInstanceSegmentationMetric):
329class HDBScanRandMetric(BaseInstanceSegmentationMetric):
330    """Rand index metric based on HDBScan computed from embeddings.
332    This class can be used as validation metric when training a network for instance segmentation.
334    Args:
335        min_size: The minimal segment size.
336        eps: The epsilon value for HDBScan.
337    """
338    def __init__(self, min_size: int, eps: float):
339        segmenter = HDBScan(min_size=min_size, eps=eps, remove_largest=True)
340        metric = AdaptedRandError()
341        super().__init__(segmenter, metric)
342        self.init_kwargs = {"min_size": min_size, "eps": eps}

Rand index metric based on HDBScan computed from embeddings.

This class can be used as validation metric when training a network for instance segmentation.

  • min_size: The minimal segment size.
  • eps: The epsilon value for HDBScan.
HDBScanRandMetric(min_size: int, eps: float)
338    def __init__(self, min_size: int, eps: float):
339        segmenter = HDBScan(min_size=min_size, eps=eps, remove_largest=True)
340        metric = AdaptedRandError()
341        super().__init__(segmenter, metric)
342        self.init_kwargs = {"min_size": min_size, "eps": eps}

Initialize internal Module state, shared by both nn.Module and ScriptModule.

class HDBScanVOIMetric(BaseInstanceSegmentationMetric):
345class HDBScanVOIMetric(BaseInstanceSegmentationMetric):
346    """Variation of information metric based on HDBScan computed from embeddings.
348    This class can be used as validation metric when training a network for instance segmentation.
350    Args:
351        min_size: The minimal segment size.
352        eps: The epsilon value for HDBScan.
353    """
354    def __init__(self, min_size: int, eps: float):
355        segmenter = HDBScan(min_size=min_size, eps=eps, remove_largest=True)
356        metric = VariationOfInformation()
357        super().__init__(segmenter, metric)
358        self.init_kwargs = {"min_size": min_size, "eps": eps}

Variation of information metric based on HDBScan computed from embeddings.

This class can be used as validation metric when training a network for instance segmentation.

  • min_size: The minimal segment size.
  • eps: The epsilon value for HDBScan.
HDBScanVOIMetric(min_size: int, eps: float)
354    def __init__(self, min_size: int, eps: float):
355        segmenter = HDBScan(min_size=min_size, eps=eps, remove_largest=True)
356        metric = VariationOfInformation()
357        super().__init__(segmenter, metric)
358        self.init_kwargs = {"min_size": min_size, "eps": eps}

Initialize internal Module state, shared by both nn.Module and ScriptModule.

class MulticutVOIMetric(BaseInstanceSegmentationMetric):
361class MulticutVOIMetric(BaseInstanceSegmentationMetric):
362    """Variation of information metric based on a multicut computed from boundary predictions.
364    This class can be used as validation metric when training a network for instance segmentation.
366    Args:
367        min_seg_size: The minimal segment size.
368        anisotropic: Whether to compute the watersheds in 2d for volumetric data.
369        dt_threshold: The threshold to apply to the boundary predictions before computing the distance transform.
370        sigma_seeds: The sigma value for smoothing the distance transform before computing seeds.
371    """
372    def __init__(
373        self, min_seg_size: int, anisotropic: bool = False, dt_threshold: float = 0.25, sigma_seeds: float = 2.0
374    ):
375        segmenter = Multicut(dt_threshold, anisotropic, sigma_seeds)
376        metric = VariationOfInformation()
377        super().__init__(segmenter, metric)
378        self.init_kwargs = {"anisotropic": anisotropic, "min_seg_size": min_seg_size,
379                            "dt_threshold": dt_threshold, "sigma_seeds": sigma_seeds}

Variation of information metric based on a multicut computed from boundary predictions.

This class can be used as validation metric when training a network for instance segmentation.

  • min_seg_size: The minimal segment size.
  • anisotropic: Whether to compute the watersheds in 2d for volumetric data.
  • dt_threshold: The threshold to apply to the boundary predictions before computing the distance transform.
  • sigma_seeds: The sigma value for smoothing the distance transform before computing seeds.
MulticutVOIMetric( min_seg_size: int, anisotropic: bool = False, dt_threshold: float = 0.25, sigma_seeds: float = 2.0)
372    def __init__(
373        self, min_seg_size: int, anisotropic: bool = False, dt_threshold: float = 0.25, sigma_seeds: float = 2.0
374    ):
375        segmenter = Multicut(dt_threshold, anisotropic, sigma_seeds)
376        metric = VariationOfInformation()
377        super().__init__(segmenter, metric)
378        self.init_kwargs = {"anisotropic": anisotropic, "min_seg_size": min_seg_size,
379                            "dt_threshold": dt_threshold, "sigma_seeds": sigma_seeds}

Initialize internal Module state, shared by both nn.Module and ScriptModule.

class MulticutRandMetric(BaseInstanceSegmentationMetric):
382class MulticutRandMetric(BaseInstanceSegmentationMetric):
383    """Rand index metric based on a multicut computed from boundary predictions.
385    This class can be used as validation metric when training a network for instance segmentation.
387    Args:
388        min_seg_size: The minimal segment size.
389        anisotropic: Whether to compute the watersheds in 2d for volumetric data.
390        dt_threshold: The threshold to apply to the boundary predictions before computing the distance transform.
391        sigma_seeds: The sigma value for smoothing the distance transform before computing seeds.
392    """
393    def __init__(
394        self, min_seg_size: int, anisotropic: bool = False, dt_threshold: float = 0.25, sigma_seeds: float = 2.0
395    ):
396        segmenter = Multicut(dt_threshold, anisotropic, sigma_seeds)
397        metric = AdaptedRandError()
398        super().__init__(segmenter, metric)
399        self.init_kwargs = {"anisotropic": anisotropic, "min_seg_size": min_seg_size,
400                            "dt_threshold": dt_threshold, "sigma_seeds": sigma_seeds}

Rand index metric based on a multicut computed from boundary predictions.

This class can be used as validation metric when training a network for instance segmentation.

  • min_seg_size: The minimal segment size.
  • anisotropic: Whether to compute the watersheds in 2d for volumetric data.
  • dt_threshold: The threshold to apply to the boundary predictions before computing the distance transform.
  • sigma_seeds: The sigma value for smoothing the distance transform before computing seeds.
MulticutRandMetric( min_seg_size: int, anisotropic: bool = False, dt_threshold: float = 0.25, sigma_seeds: float = 2.0)
393    def __init__(
394        self, min_seg_size: int, anisotropic: bool = False, dt_threshold: float = 0.25, sigma_seeds: float = 2.0
395    ):
396        segmenter = Multicut(dt_threshold, anisotropic, sigma_seeds)
397        metric = AdaptedRandError()
398        super().__init__(segmenter, metric)
399        self.init_kwargs = {"anisotropic": anisotropic, "min_seg_size": min_seg_size,
400                            "dt_threshold": dt_threshold, "sigma_seeds": sigma_seeds}

Initialize internal Module state, shared by both nn.Module and ScriptModule.

class MWSIOUMetric(BaseInstanceSegmentationMetric):
403class MWSIOUMetric(BaseInstanceSegmentationMetric):
404    """Intersection over union metric based on a mutex watershed computed from affinity predictions.
406    This class can be used as validation metric when training a network for instance segmentation.
408    Args:
409        offsets: The offsets corresponding to the affinity channels.
410        min_seg_size: The minimal segment size.
411        iou_threshold: The threshold for the intersection over union value.
412        strides: The strides for the mutex watershed.
413    """
414    def __init__(
415        self,
416        offsets: List[List[int]],
417        min_seg_size: int,
418        iou_threshold: float = 0.5,
419        strides: Optional[List[int]] = None
420    ):
421        segmenter = MWS(offsets, with_background=True, min_seg_size=min_seg_size, strides=strides)
422        metric = IOUError(iou_threshold)
423        super().__init__(segmenter, metric)
424        self.init_kwargs = {"offsets": offsets, "min_seg_size": min_seg_size,
425                            "iou_threshold": iou_threshold, "strides": strides}

Intersection over union metric based on a mutex watershed computed from affinity predictions.

This class can be used as validation metric when training a network for instance segmentation.

  • offsets: The offsets corresponding to the affinity channels.
  • min_seg_size: The minimal segment size.
  • iou_threshold: The threshold for the intersection over union value.
  • strides: The strides for the mutex watershed.
MWSIOUMetric( offsets: List[List[int]], min_seg_size: int, iou_threshold: float = 0.5, strides: Optional[List[int]] = None)
414    def __init__(
415        self,
416        offsets: List[List[int]],
417        min_seg_size: int,
418        iou_threshold: float = 0.5,
419        strides: Optional[List[int]] = None
420    ):
421        segmenter = MWS(offsets, with_background=True, min_seg_size=min_seg_size, strides=strides)
422        metric = IOUError(iou_threshold)
423        super().__init__(segmenter, metric)
424        self.init_kwargs = {"offsets": offsets, "min_seg_size": min_seg_size,
425                            "iou_threshold": iou_threshold, "strides": strides}

Initialize internal Module state, shared by both nn.Module and ScriptModule.

class MWSSBDMetric(BaseInstanceSegmentationMetric):
428class MWSSBDMetric(BaseInstanceSegmentationMetric):
429    """Symmetric best dice score metric based on a mutex watershed computed from affinity predictions.
431    This class can be used as validation metric when training a network for instance segmentation.
433    Args:
434        offsets: The offsets corresponding to the affinity channels.
435        min_seg_size: The minimal segment size.
436        strides: The strides for the mutex watershed.
437    """
438    def __init__(self, offsets: List[List[int]], min_seg_size: int, strides: Optional[List[int]] = None):
439        segmenter = MWS(offsets, with_background=True, min_seg_size=min_seg_size, strides=strides)
440        metric = SymmetricBestDice()
441        super().__init__(segmenter, metric)
442        self.init_kwargs = {"offsets": offsets, "min_seg_size": min_seg_size, "strides": strides}

Symmetric best dice score metric based on a mutex watershed computed from affinity predictions.

This class can be used as validation metric when training a network for instance segmentation.

  • offsets: The offsets corresponding to the affinity channels.
  • min_seg_size: The minimal segment size.
  • strides: The strides for the mutex watershed.
MWSSBDMetric( offsets: List[List[int]], min_seg_size: int, strides: Optional[List[int]] = None)
438    def __init__(self, offsets: List[List[int]], min_seg_size: int, strides: Optional[List[int]] = None):
439        segmenter = MWS(offsets, with_background=True, min_seg_size=min_seg_size, strides=strides)
440        metric = SymmetricBestDice()
441        super().__init__(segmenter, metric)
442        self.init_kwargs = {"offsets": offsets, "min_seg_size": min_seg_size, "strides": strides}

Initialize internal Module state, shared by both nn.Module and ScriptModule.

class MWSVOIMetric(BaseInstanceSegmentationMetric):
445class MWSVOIMetric(BaseInstanceSegmentationMetric):
446    """Variation of information metric based on a mutex watershed computed from affinity predictions.
448    This class can be used as validation metric when training a network for instance segmentation.
450    Args:
451        offsets: The offsets corresponding to the affinity channels.
452        min_seg_size: The minimal segment size.
453        strides: The strides for the mutex watershed.
454    """
455    def __init__(self, offsets: List[List[int]], min_seg_size: int, strides: Optional[List[int]] = None):
456        segmenter = MWS(offsets, with_background=False, min_seg_size=min_seg_size, strides=strides)
457        metric = VariationOfInformation()
458        super().__init__(segmenter, metric)
459        self.init_kwargs = {"offsets": offsets, "min_seg_size": min_seg_size, "strides": strides}

Variation of information metric based on a mutex watershed computed from affinity predictions.

This class can be used as validation metric when training a network for instance segmentation.

  • offsets: The offsets corresponding to the affinity channels.
  • min_seg_size: The minimal segment size.
  • strides: The strides for the mutex watershed.
MWSVOIMetric( offsets: List[List[int]], min_seg_size: int, strides: Optional[List[int]] = None)
455    def __init__(self, offsets: List[List[int]], min_seg_size: int, strides: Optional[List[int]] = None):
456        segmenter = MWS(offsets, with_background=False, min_seg_size=min_seg_size, strides=strides)
457        metric = VariationOfInformation()
458        super().__init__(segmenter, metric)
459        self.init_kwargs = {"offsets": offsets, "min_seg_size": min_seg_size, "strides": strides}

Initialize internal Module state, shared by both nn.Module and ScriptModule.

class MWSRandMetric(BaseInstanceSegmentationMetric):
462class MWSRandMetric(BaseInstanceSegmentationMetric):
463    """Rand index metric based on a mutex watershed computed from affinity predictions.
465    This class can be used as validation metric when training a network for instance segmentation.
467    Args:
468        offsets: The offsets corresponding to the affinity channels.
469        min_seg_size: The minimal segment size.
470        strides: The strides for the mutex watershed.
471    """
472    def __init__(self, offsets: List[List[int]], min_seg_size: int, strides: Optional[List[int]] = None):
473        segmenter = MWS(offsets, with_background=False, min_seg_size=min_seg_size, strides=strides)
474        metric = AdaptedRandError()
475        super().__init__(segmenter, metric)
476        self.init_kwargs = {"offsets": offsets, "min_seg_size": min_seg_size, "strides": strides}

Rand index metric based on a mutex watershed computed from affinity predictions.

This class can be used as validation metric when training a network for instance segmentation.

  • offsets: The offsets corresponding to the affinity channels.
  • min_seg_size: The minimal segment size.
  • strides: The strides for the mutex watershed.
MWSRandMetric( offsets: List[List[int]], min_seg_size: int, strides: Optional[List[int]] = None)
472    def __init__(self, offsets: List[List[int]], min_seg_size: int, strides: Optional[List[int]] = None):
473        segmenter = MWS(offsets, with_background=False, min_seg_size=min_seg_size, strides=strides)
474        metric = AdaptedRandError()
475        super().__init__(segmenter, metric)
476        self.init_kwargs = {"offsets": offsets, "min_seg_size": min_seg_size, "strides": strides}

Initialize internal Module state, shared by both nn.Module and ScriptModule.
