1from functools import partial 2from typing import List, Optional 3 4import numpy as np 5import elf.evaluation as elfval 6import elf.segmentation as elfseg 7import elf.segmentation.embeddings as elfemb 8import torch 9import torch.nn as nn 10import vigra 11from elf.segmentation.watershed import apply_size_filter 12 13 14class BaseInstanceSegmentationMetric(nn.Module): 15 """@private 16 """ 17 def __init__(self, segmenter, metric, to_numpy=True): 18 super().__init__() 19 self.segmenter = segmenter 20 self.metric = metric 21 self.to_numpy = to_numpy 22 23 def forward(self, input_, target): 24 if self.to_numpy: 25 input_ = input_.detach().cpu().numpy().astype("float32") 26 target = target.detach().cpu().numpy() 27 assert input_.ndim == target.ndim 28 assert len(input_) == len(target) 29 scores = [] 30 # compute the metric per batch 31 for pred, trgt in zip(input_, target): 32 seg = self.segmenter(pred) 33 # by convention we assume that the segmentation channel is always in the last channel of trgt 34 scores.append(self.metric(seg, trgt[-1].astype("uint32"))) 35 return torch.tensor(scores).mean() 36 37 38# 39# Segmenters 40# 41 42def filter_sizes(seg, min_seg_size, hmap=None): 43 """@private 44 """ 45 seg_ids, counts = np.unique(seg, return_counts=True) 46 if hmap is None: 47 bg_ids = seg_ids[counts < min_seg_size] 48 seg[np.isin(seg, bg_ids)] = 0 49 else: 50 ndim = seg.ndim 51 hmap_ = hmap if hmap.ndim == ndim else np.max(hmap, axis=0) 52 seg, _ = apply_size_filter(seg, hmap_, min_seg_size) 53 return seg 54 55 56class MWS: 57 """@private 58 """ 59 def __init__(self, offsets, with_background, min_seg_size, strides=None): 60 self.offsets = offsets 61 self.with_background = with_background 62 self.min_seg_size = min_seg_size 63 if strides is None: 64 strides = [4] * len(offsets[0]) 65 assert len(strides) == len(offsets[0]) 66 self.strides = strides 67 68 def __call__(self, affinities): 69 if self.with_background: 70 assert len(affinities) == len(self.offsets) + 1 71 mask, affinities = affinities[0], affinities[1:] 72 else: 73 assert len(affinities) == len(self.offsets) 74 mask = None 75 seg = elfseg.mutex_watershed.mutex_watershed(affinities, self.offsets, self.strides, 76 randomize_strides=True, mask=mask).astype("uint32") 77 if self.min_seg_size > 0: 78 seg = filter_sizes(seg, self.min_seg_size, 79 hmap=None if self.with_background else affinities) 80 return seg 81 82 83class EmbeddingMWS: 84 """@private 85 """ 86 def __init__(self, delta, offsets, with_background, min_seg_size, strides=None): 87 = delta 88 self.offsets = offsets 89 self.with_background = with_background 90 self.min_seg_size = min_seg_size 91 if strides is None: 92 strides = [4] * len(offsets[0]) 93 assert len(strides) == len(offsets[0]) 94 self.strides = strides 95 96 def merge_background(self, seg, embeddings): 97 seg += 1 98 seg_ids, counts = np.unique(seg, return_counts=True) 99 bg_seg = seg_ids[np.argmax(counts)] 100 mean_embeddings = [] 101 for emb in embeddings: 102 mean_embeddings.append(vigra.analysis.extractRegionFeatures(emb, seg, features=["mean"])["mean"][None]) 103 mean_embeddings = np.concatenate(mean_embeddings, axis=0) 104 bg_embed = mean_embeddings[:, bg_seg][:, None] 105 bg_probs = elfemb._embeddings_to_probabilities(mean_embeddings, bg_embed,, 0) 106 bg_ids = np.where(bg_probs > 0.5) 107 seg[np.isin(seg, bg_ids)] = 0 108 vigra.analysis.relabelConsecutive(seg, out=seg) 109 return seg 110 111 def __call__(self, embeddings): 112 weight = partial(elfemb.discriminative_loss_weight, 113 seg = elfemb.segment_embeddings_mws( 114 embeddings, "l2", self.offsets, strides=self.strides, weight_function=weight 115 ).astype("uint32") 116 if self.with_background: 117 seg = self.merge_background(seg, embeddings) 118 if self.min_seg_size > 0: 119 seg = filter_sizes(seg, self.min_seg_size) 120 return seg 121 122 123class Multicut: 124 """@private 125 """ 126 def __init__(self, min_seg_size, anisotropic=False, dt_threshold=0.25, sigma_seeds=2.0, solver="decomposition"): 127 self.min_seg_size = min_seg_size 128 self.anisotropic = anisotropic 129 self.dt_threshold = dt_threshold 130 self.sigma_seeds = sigma_seeds 131 self.solver = solver 132 133 def __call__(self, boundaries): 134 if boundaries.shape[0] == 1: 135 boundaries = boundaries[0] 136 assert boundaries.ndim in (2, 3), f"{boundaries.ndim}" 137 if self.anisotropic and boundaries.ndim == 3: 138 ws, max_id = elfseg.stacked_watershed(boundaries, threshold=self.dt_threshold, 139 sigma_seed=self.sigma_seeds, 140 sigma_weights=self.sigma_seeds, 141 n_threads=1) 142 else: 143 ws, max_id = elfseg.distance_transform_watershed(boundaries, threshold=self.dt_threshold, 144 sigma_seeds=self.sigma_seeds, 145 sigma_weights=self.sigma_seeds) 146 rag = elfseg.compute_rag(ws, max_id + 1, n_threads=1) 147 feats = elfseg.compute_boundary_mean_and_length(rag, boundaries, n_threads=1)[:, 0] 148 costs = elfseg.compute_edge_costs(feats) 149 solver = elfseg.get_multicut_solver(self.solver) 150 node_labels = solver(rag, costs, n_threads=1) 151 seg = elfseg.project_node_labels_to_pixels(rag, node_labels, n_threads=1).astype("uint32") 152 if self.min_seg_size > 0: 153 seg = filter_sizes(seg, self.min_seg_size, hmap=boundaries) 154 return seg 155 156 157class HDBScan: 158 """@private 159 """ 160 def __init__(self, min_size, eps, remove_largest): 161 self.min_size = min_size 162 self.eps = eps 163 self.remove_largest = remove_largest 164 165 def __call__(self, embeddings): 166 return elfemb.segment_hdbscan(embeddings, self.min_size, self.eps, self.remove_largest) 167 168 169# 170# Metrics 171# 172 173class IOUError: 174 """@private 175 """ 176 def __init__(self, threshold=0.5, metric="precision"): 177 self.threshold = threshold 178 self.metric = metric 179 180 def __call__(self, seg, target): 181 score = 1.0 - elfval.matching(seg, target, threshold=self.threshold)[self.metric] 182 return score 183 184 185class VariationOfInformation: 186 """@private 187 """ 188 def __call__(self, seg, target): 189 vis, vim = elfval.variation_of_information(seg, target) 190 return vis + vim 191 192 193class AdaptedRandError: 194 """@private 195 """ 196 def __call__(self, seg, target): 197 are, _ = elfval.rand_index(seg, target) 198 return are 199 200 201class SymmetricBestDice: 202 """@private 203 """ 204 def __call__(self, seg, target): 205 score = 1.0 - elfval.symmetric_best_dice_score(seg, target) 206 return score 207 208 209# 210# Prefab Full Metrics 211# 212 213 214class EmbeddingMWSIOUMetric(BaseInstanceSegmentationMetric): 215 """Intersection over union metric based on mutex watershed computed from embedding-derived affinites. 216 217 This class can be used as validation metric when training a network for instance segmentation. 218 219 Args: 220 delta: The hinge distance of the contrastive loss for training the embeddings. 221 offsets: The offsets for deriving the affinities from the embeddings. 222 min_seg_size: Size for filtering the segmentation objects. 223 iou_threshold: Threshold for the intersection over union metric. 224 strides: The strides for the mutex watershed. 225 """ 226 def __init__( 227 self, 228 delta: float, 229 offsets: List[List[int]], 230 min_seg_size: int, 231 iou_threshold: float = 0.5, 232 strides: Optional[List[int]] = None, 233 ): 234 segmenter = EmbeddingMWS(delta, offsets, with_background=True, min_seg_size=min_seg_size) 235 metric = IOUError(iou_threshold) 236 super().__init__(segmenter, metric) 237 self.init_kwargs = {"delta": delta, "offsets": offsets, "min_seg_size": min_seg_size, 238 "iou_threshold": iou_threshold, "strides": strides} 239 240 241class EmbeddingMWSSBDMetric(BaseInstanceSegmentationMetric): 242 """Symmetric best dice metric based on mutex watershed computed from embedding-derived affinites. 243 244 This class can be used as validation metric when training a network for instance segmentation. 245 246 Args: 247 delta: The hinge distance of the contrastive loss for training the embeddings. 248 offsets: The offsets for deriving the affinities from the embeddings. 249 min_seg_size: Size for filtering the segmentation objects. 250 strides: The strides for the mutex watershed. 251 """ 252 def __init__(self, delta: float, offsets: List[List[int]], min_seg_size: int, strides: Optional[List[int]] = None): 253 segmenter = EmbeddingMWS(delta, offsets, with_background=True, min_seg_size=min_seg_size) 254 metric = SymmetricBestDice() 255 super().__init__(segmenter, metric) 256 self.init_kwargs = {"delta": delta, "offsets": offsets, "min_seg_size": min_seg_size, "strides": strides} 257 258 259class EmbeddingMWSVOIMetric(BaseInstanceSegmentationMetric): 260 """Variation of inofrmation metric based on mutex watershed computed from embedding-derived affinites. 261 262 This class can be used as validation metric when training a network for instance segmentation. 263 264 Args: 265 delta: The hinge distance of the contrastive loss for training the embeddings. 266 offsets: The offsets for deriving the affinities from the embeddings. 267 min_seg_size: Size for filtering the segmentation objects. 268 strides: The strides for the mutex watershed. 269 """ 270 def __init__(self, delta: float, offsets: List[List[int]], min_seg_size: int, strides: Optional[List[int]] = None): 271 segmenter = EmbeddingMWS(delta, offsets, with_background=False, min_seg_size=min_seg_size) 272 metric = VariationOfInformation() 273 super().__init__(segmenter, metric) 274 self.init_kwargs = {"delta": delta, "offsets": offsets, "min_seg_size": min_seg_size, "strides": strides} 275 276 277class EmbeddingMWSRandMetric(BaseInstanceSegmentationMetric): 278 """Rand index metric based on mutex watershed computed from embedding-derived affinites. 279 280 This class can be used as validation metric when training a network for instance segmentation. 281 282 Args: 283 delta: The hinge distance of the contrastive loss for training the embeddings. 284 offsets: The offsets for deriving the affinities from the embeddings. 285 min_seg_size: Size for filtering the segmentation objects. 286 strides: The strides for the mutex watershed. 287 """ 288 def __init__(self, delta: float, offsets: List[List[int]], min_seg_size: int, strides: Optional[List[int]] = None): 289 segmenter = EmbeddingMWS(delta, offsets, with_background=False, min_seg_size=min_seg_size) 290 metric = AdaptedRandError() 291 super().__init__(segmenter, metric) 292 self.init_kwargs = {"delta": delta, "offsets": offsets, "min_seg_size": min_seg_size, "strides": strides} 293 294 295class HDBScanIOUMetric(BaseInstanceSegmentationMetric): 296 """Intersection over union metric based on HDBScan computed from embeddings. 297 298 This class can be used as validation metric when training a network for instance segmentation. 299 300 Args: 301 min_size: The minimal segment size. 302 eps: The epsilon value for HDBScan. 303 iou_threshold: The threshold for the intersection over union value. 304 """ 305 def __init__(self, min_size: int, eps: float, iou_threshold: float = 0.5): 306 segmenter = HDBScan(min_size=min_size, eps=eps, remove_largest=True) 307 metric = IOUError(iou_threshold) 308 super().__init__(segmenter, metric) 309 self.init_kwargs = {"min_size": min_size, "eps": eps, "iou_threshold": iou_threshold} 310 311 312class HDBScanSBDMetric(BaseInstanceSegmentationMetric): 313 """Symmetric best dice metric based on HDBScan computed from embeddings. 314 315 This class can be used as validation metric when training a network for instance segmentation. 316 317 Args: 318 min_size: The minimal segment size. 319 eps: The epsilon value for HDBScan. 320 """ 321 def __init__(self, min_size: int, eps: float): 322 segmenter = HDBScan(min_size=min_size, eps=eps, remove_largest=True) 323 metric = SymmetricBestDice() 324 super().__init__(segmenter, metric) 325 self.init_kwargs = {"min_size": min_size, "eps": eps} 326 327 328class HDBScanRandMetric(BaseInstanceSegmentationMetric): 329 """Rand index metric based on HDBScan computed from embeddings. 330 331 This class can be used as validation metric when training a network for instance segmentation. 332 333 Args: 334 min_size: The minimal segment size. 335 eps: The epsilon value for HDBScan. 336 """ 337 def __init__(self, min_size: int, eps: float): 338 segmenter = HDBScan(min_size=min_size, eps=eps, remove_largest=True) 339 metric = AdaptedRandError() 340 super().__init__(segmenter, metric) 341 self.init_kwargs = {"min_size": min_size, "eps": eps} 342 343 344class HDBScanVOIMetric(BaseInstanceSegmentationMetric): 345 """Variation of information metric based on HDBScan computed from embeddings. 346 347 This class can be used as validation metric when training a network for instance segmentation. 348 349 Args: 350 min_size: The minimal segment size. 351 eps: The epsilon value for HDBScan. 352 """ 353 def __init__(self, min_size: int, eps: float): 354 segmenter = HDBScan(min_size=min_size, eps=eps, remove_largest=True) 355 metric = VariationOfInformation() 356 super().__init__(segmenter, metric) 357 self.init_kwargs = {"min_size": min_size, "eps": eps} 358 359 360class MulticutVOIMetric(BaseInstanceSegmentationMetric): 361 """Variation of information metric based on a multicut computed from boundary predictions. 362 363 This class can be used as validation metric when training a network for instance segmentation. 364 365 Args: 366 min_seg_size: The minimal segment size. 367 anisotropic: Whether to compute the watersheds in 2d for volumetric data. 368 dt_threshold: The threshold to apply to the boundary predictions before computing the distance transform. 369 sigma_seeds: The sigma value for smoothing the distance transform before computing seeds. 370 """ 371 def __init__( 372 self, min_seg_size: int, anisotropic: bool = False, dt_threshold: float = 0.25, sigma_seeds: float = 2.0 373 ): 374 segmenter = Multicut(dt_threshold, anisotropic, sigma_seeds) 375 metric = VariationOfInformation() 376 super().__init__(segmenter, metric) 377 self.init_kwargs = {"anisotropic": anisotropic, "min_seg_size": min_seg_size, 378 "dt_threshold": dt_threshold, "sigma_seeds": sigma_seeds} 379 380 381class MulticutRandMetric(BaseInstanceSegmentationMetric): 382 """Rand index metric based on a multicut computed from boundary predictions. 383 384 This class can be used as validation metric when training a network for instance segmentation. 385 386 Args: 387 min_seg_size: The minimal segment size. 388 anisotropic: Whether to compute the watersheds in 2d for volumetric data. 389 dt_threshold: The threshold to apply to the boundary predictions before computing the distance transform. 390 sigma_seeds: The sigma value for smoothing the distance transform before computing seeds. 391 """ 392 def __init__( 393 self, min_seg_size: int, anisotropic: bool = False, dt_threshold: float = 0.25, sigma_seeds: float = 2.0 394 ): 395 segmenter = Multicut(dt_threshold, anisotropic, sigma_seeds) 396 metric = AdaptedRandError() 397 super().__init__(segmenter, metric) 398 self.init_kwargs = {"anisotropic": anisotropic, "min_seg_size": min_seg_size, 399 "dt_threshold": dt_threshold, "sigma_seeds": sigma_seeds} 400 401 402class MWSIOUMetric(BaseInstanceSegmentationMetric): 403 """Intersection over union metric based on a mutex watershed computed from affinity predictions. 404 405 This class can be used as validation metric when training a network for instance segmentation. 406 407 Args: 408 offsets: The offsets corresponding to the affinity channels. 409 min_seg_size: The minimal segment size. 410 iou_threshold: The threshold for the intersection over union value. 411 strides: The strides for the mutex watershed. 412 """ 413 def __init__( 414 self, 415 offsets: List[List[int]], 416 min_seg_size: int, 417 iou_threshold: float = 0.5, 418 strides: Optional[List[int]] = None 419 ): 420 segmenter = MWS(offsets, with_background=True, min_seg_size=min_seg_size, strides=strides) 421 metric = IOUError(iou_threshold) 422 super().__init__(segmenter, metric) 423 self.init_kwargs = {"offsets": offsets, "min_seg_size": min_seg_size, 424 "iou_threshold": iou_threshold, "strides": strides} 425 426 427class MWSSBDMetric(BaseInstanceSegmentationMetric): 428 """Symmetric best dice score metric based on a mutex watershed computed from affinity predictions. 429 430 This class can be used as validation metric when training a network for instance segmentation. 431 432 Args: 433 offsets: The offsets corresponding to the affinity channels. 434 min_seg_size: The minimal segment size. 435 strides: The strides for the mutex watershed. 436 """ 437 def __init__(self, offsets: List[List[int]], min_seg_size: int, strides: Optional[List[int]] = None): 438 segmenter = MWS(offsets, with_background=True, min_seg_size=min_seg_size, strides=strides) 439 metric = SymmetricBestDice() 440 super().__init__(segmenter, metric) 441 self.init_kwargs = {"offsets": offsets, "min_seg_size": min_seg_size, "strides": strides} 442 443 444class MWSVOIMetric(BaseInstanceSegmentationMetric): 445 """Variation of information metric based on a mutex watershed computed from affinity predictions. 446 447 This class can be used as validation metric when training a network for instance segmentation. 448 449 Args: 450 offsets: The offsets corresponding to the affinity channels. 451 min_seg_size: The minimal segment size. 452 strides: The strides for the mutex watershed. 453 """ 454 def __init__(self, offsets: List[List[int]], min_seg_size: int, strides: Optional[List[int]] = None): 455 segmenter = MWS(offsets, with_background=False, min_seg_size=min_seg_size, strides=strides) 456 metric = VariationOfInformation() 457 super().__init__(segmenter, metric) 458 self.init_kwargs = {"offsets": offsets, "min_seg_size": min_seg_size, "strides": strides} 459 460 461class MWSRandMetric(BaseInstanceSegmentationMetric): 462 """Rand index metric based on a mutex watershed computed from affinity predictions. 463 464 This class can be used as validation metric when training a network for instance segmentation. 465 466 Args: 467 offsets: The offsets corresponding to the affinity channels. 468 min_seg_size: The minimal segment size. 469 strides: The strides for the mutex watershed. 470 """ 471 def __init__(self, offsets: List[List[int]], min_seg_size: int, strides: Optional[List[int]] = None): 472 segmenter = MWS(offsets, with_background=False, min_seg_size=min_seg_size, strides=strides) 473 metric = AdaptedRandError() 474 super().__init__(segmenter, metric) 475 self.init_kwargs = {"offsets": offsets, "min_seg_size": min_seg_size, "strides": strides}
215class EmbeddingMWSIOUMetric(BaseInstanceSegmentationMetric): 216 """Intersection over union metric based on mutex watershed computed from embedding-derived affinites. 217 218 This class can be used as validation metric when training a network for instance segmentation. 219 220 Args: 221 delta: The hinge distance of the contrastive loss for training the embeddings. 222 offsets: The offsets for deriving the affinities from the embeddings. 223 min_seg_size: Size for filtering the segmentation objects. 224 iou_threshold: Threshold for the intersection over union metric. 225 strides: The strides for the mutex watershed. 226 """ 227 def __init__( 228 self, 229 delta: float, 230 offsets: List[List[int]], 231 min_seg_size: int, 232 iou_threshold: float = 0.5, 233 strides: Optional[List[int]] = None, 234 ): 235 segmenter = EmbeddingMWS(delta, offsets, with_background=True, min_seg_size=min_seg_size) 236 metric = IOUError(iou_threshold) 237 super().__init__(segmenter, metric) 238 self.init_kwargs = {"delta": delta, "offsets": offsets, "min_seg_size": min_seg_size, 239 "iou_threshold": iou_threshold, "strides": strides}
Intersection over union metric based on mutex watershed computed from embedding-derived affinites.
This class can be used as validation metric when training a network for instance segmentation.
- delta: The hinge distance of the contrastive loss for training the embeddings.
- offsets: The offsets for deriving the affinities from the embeddings.
- min_seg_size: Size for filtering the segmentation objects.
- iou_threshold: Threshold for the intersection over union metric.
- strides: The strides for the mutex watershed.
227 def __init__( 228 self, 229 delta: float, 230 offsets: List[List[int]], 231 min_seg_size: int, 232 iou_threshold: float = 0.5, 233 strides: Optional[List[int]] = None, 234 ): 235 segmenter = EmbeddingMWS(delta, offsets, with_background=True, min_seg_size=min_seg_size) 236 metric = IOUError(iou_threshold) 237 super().__init__(segmenter, metric) 238 self.init_kwargs = {"delta": delta, "offsets": offsets, "min_seg_size": min_seg_size, 239 "iou_threshold": iou_threshold, "strides": strides}
Initialize internal Module state, shared by both nn.Module and ScriptModule.
Inherited Members
242class EmbeddingMWSSBDMetric(BaseInstanceSegmentationMetric): 243 """Symmetric best dice metric based on mutex watershed computed from embedding-derived affinites. 244 245 This class can be used as validation metric when training a network for instance segmentation. 246 247 Args: 248 delta: The hinge distance of the contrastive loss for training the embeddings. 249 offsets: The offsets for deriving the affinities from the embeddings. 250 min_seg_size: Size for filtering the segmentation objects. 251 strides: The strides for the mutex watershed. 252 """ 253 def __init__(self, delta: float, offsets: List[List[int]], min_seg_size: int, strides: Optional[List[int]] = None): 254 segmenter = EmbeddingMWS(delta, offsets, with_background=True, min_seg_size=min_seg_size) 255 metric = SymmetricBestDice() 256 super().__init__(segmenter, metric) 257 self.init_kwargs = {"delta": delta, "offsets": offsets, "min_seg_size": min_seg_size, "strides": strides}
Symmetric best dice metric based on mutex watershed computed from embedding-derived affinites.
This class can be used as validation metric when training a network for instance segmentation.
- delta: The hinge distance of the contrastive loss for training the embeddings.
- offsets: The offsets for deriving the affinities from the embeddings.
- min_seg_size: Size for filtering the segmentation objects.
- strides: The strides for the mutex watershed.
253 def __init__(self, delta: float, offsets: List[List[int]], min_seg_size: int, strides: Optional[List[int]] = None): 254 segmenter = EmbeddingMWS(delta, offsets, with_background=True, min_seg_size=min_seg_size) 255 metric = SymmetricBestDice() 256 super().__init__(segmenter, metric) 257 self.init_kwargs = {"delta": delta, "offsets": offsets, "min_seg_size": min_seg_size, "strides": strides}
Initialize internal Module state, shared by both nn.Module and ScriptModule.
Inherited Members
260class EmbeddingMWSVOIMetric(BaseInstanceSegmentationMetric): 261 """Variation of inofrmation metric based on mutex watershed computed from embedding-derived affinites. 262 263 This class can be used as validation metric when training a network for instance segmentation. 264 265 Args: 266 delta: The hinge distance of the contrastive loss for training the embeddings. 267 offsets: The offsets for deriving the affinities from the embeddings. 268 min_seg_size: Size for filtering the segmentation objects. 269 strides: The strides for the mutex watershed. 270 """ 271 def __init__(self, delta: float, offsets: List[List[int]], min_seg_size: int, strides: Optional[List[int]] = None): 272 segmenter = EmbeddingMWS(delta, offsets, with_background=False, min_seg_size=min_seg_size) 273 metric = VariationOfInformation() 274 super().__init__(segmenter, metric) 275 self.init_kwargs = {"delta": delta, "offsets": offsets, "min_seg_size": min_seg_size, "strides": strides}
Variation of inofrmation metric based on mutex watershed computed from embedding-derived affinites.
This class can be used as validation metric when training a network for instance segmentation.
- delta: The hinge distance of the contrastive loss for training the embeddings.
- offsets: The offsets for deriving the affinities from the embeddings.
- min_seg_size: Size for filtering the segmentation objects.
- strides: The strides for the mutex watershed.
271 def __init__(self, delta: float, offsets: List[List[int]], min_seg_size: int, strides: Optional[List[int]] = None): 272 segmenter = EmbeddingMWS(delta, offsets, with_background=False, min_seg_size=min_seg_size) 273 metric = VariationOfInformation() 274 super().__init__(segmenter, metric) 275 self.init_kwargs = {"delta": delta, "offsets": offsets, "min_seg_size": min_seg_size, "strides": strides}
Initialize internal Module state, shared by both nn.Module and ScriptModule.
Inherited Members
278class EmbeddingMWSRandMetric(BaseInstanceSegmentationMetric): 279 """Rand index metric based on mutex watershed computed from embedding-derived affinites. 280 281 This class can be used as validation metric when training a network for instance segmentation. 282 283 Args: 284 delta: The hinge distance of the contrastive loss for training the embeddings. 285 offsets: The offsets for deriving the affinities from the embeddings. 286 min_seg_size: Size for filtering the segmentation objects. 287 strides: The strides for the mutex watershed. 288 """ 289 def __init__(self, delta: float, offsets: List[List[int]], min_seg_size: int, strides: Optional[List[int]] = None): 290 segmenter = EmbeddingMWS(delta, offsets, with_background=False, min_seg_size=min_seg_size) 291 metric = AdaptedRandError() 292 super().__init__(segmenter, metric) 293 self.init_kwargs = {"delta": delta, "offsets": offsets, "min_seg_size": min_seg_size, "strides": strides}
Rand index metric based on mutex watershed computed from embedding-derived affinites.
This class can be used as validation metric when training a network for instance segmentation.
- delta: The hinge distance of the contrastive loss for training the embeddings.
- offsets: The offsets for deriving the affinities from the embeddings.
- min_seg_size: Size for filtering the segmentation objects.
- strides: The strides for the mutex watershed.
289 def __init__(self, delta: float, offsets: List[List[int]], min_seg_size: int, strides: Optional[List[int]] = None): 290 segmenter = EmbeddingMWS(delta, offsets, with_background=False, min_seg_size=min_seg_size) 291 metric = AdaptedRandError() 292 super().__init__(segmenter, metric) 293 self.init_kwargs = {"delta": delta, "offsets": offsets, "min_seg_size": min_seg_size, "strides": strides}
Initialize internal Module state, shared by both nn.Module and ScriptModule.
Inherited Members
296class HDBScanIOUMetric(BaseInstanceSegmentationMetric): 297 """Intersection over union metric based on HDBScan computed from embeddings. 298 299 This class can be used as validation metric when training a network for instance segmentation. 300 301 Args: 302 min_size: The minimal segment size. 303 eps: The epsilon value for HDBScan. 304 iou_threshold: The threshold for the intersection over union value. 305 """ 306 def __init__(self, min_size: int, eps: float, iou_threshold: float = 0.5): 307 segmenter = HDBScan(min_size=min_size, eps=eps, remove_largest=True) 308 metric = IOUError(iou_threshold) 309 super().__init__(segmenter, metric) 310 self.init_kwargs = {"min_size": min_size, "eps": eps, "iou_threshold": iou_threshold}
Intersection over union metric based on HDBScan computed from embeddings.
This class can be used as validation metric when training a network for instance segmentation.
- min_size: The minimal segment size.
- eps: The epsilon value for HDBScan.
- iou_threshold: The threshold for the intersection over union value.
306 def __init__(self, min_size: int, eps: float, iou_threshold: float = 0.5): 307 segmenter = HDBScan(min_size=min_size, eps=eps, remove_largest=True) 308 metric = IOUError(iou_threshold) 309 super().__init__(segmenter, metric) 310 self.init_kwargs = {"min_size": min_size, "eps": eps, "iou_threshold": iou_threshold}
Initialize internal Module state, shared by both nn.Module and ScriptModule.
Inherited Members
313class HDBScanSBDMetric(BaseInstanceSegmentationMetric): 314 """Symmetric best dice metric based on HDBScan computed from embeddings. 315 316 This class can be used as validation metric when training a network for instance segmentation. 317 318 Args: 319 min_size: The minimal segment size. 320 eps: The epsilon value for HDBScan. 321 """ 322 def __init__(self, min_size: int, eps: float): 323 segmenter = HDBScan(min_size=min_size, eps=eps, remove_largest=True) 324 metric = SymmetricBestDice() 325 super().__init__(segmenter, metric) 326 self.init_kwargs = {"min_size": min_size, "eps": eps}
Symmetric best dice metric based on HDBScan computed from embeddings.
This class can be used as validation metric when training a network for instance segmentation.
- min_size: The minimal segment size.
- eps: The epsilon value for HDBScan.
322 def __init__(self, min_size: int, eps: float): 323 segmenter = HDBScan(min_size=min_size, eps=eps, remove_largest=True) 324 metric = SymmetricBestDice() 325 super().__init__(segmenter, metric) 326 self.init_kwargs = {"min_size": min_size, "eps": eps}
Initialize internal Module state, shared by both nn.Module and ScriptModule.
Inherited Members
329class HDBScanRandMetric(BaseInstanceSegmentationMetric): 330 """Rand index metric based on HDBScan computed from embeddings. 331 332 This class can be used as validation metric when training a network for instance segmentation. 333 334 Args: 335 min_size: The minimal segment size. 336 eps: The epsilon value for HDBScan. 337 """ 338 def __init__(self, min_size: int, eps: float): 339 segmenter = HDBScan(min_size=min_size, eps=eps, remove_largest=True) 340 metric = AdaptedRandError() 341 super().__init__(segmenter, metric) 342 self.init_kwargs = {"min_size": min_size, "eps": eps}
Rand index metric based on HDBScan computed from embeddings.
This class can be used as validation metric when training a network for instance segmentation.
- min_size: The minimal segment size.
- eps: The epsilon value for HDBScan.
338 def __init__(self, min_size: int, eps: float): 339 segmenter = HDBScan(min_size=min_size, eps=eps, remove_largest=True) 340 metric = AdaptedRandError() 341 super().__init__(segmenter, metric) 342 self.init_kwargs = {"min_size": min_size, "eps": eps}
Initialize internal Module state, shared by both nn.Module and ScriptModule.
Inherited Members
345class HDBScanVOIMetric(BaseInstanceSegmentationMetric): 346 """Variation of information metric based on HDBScan computed from embeddings. 347 348 This class can be used as validation metric when training a network for instance segmentation. 349 350 Args: 351 min_size: The minimal segment size. 352 eps: The epsilon value for HDBScan. 353 """ 354 def __init__(self, min_size: int, eps: float): 355 segmenter = HDBScan(min_size=min_size, eps=eps, remove_largest=True) 356 metric = VariationOfInformation() 357 super().__init__(segmenter, metric) 358 self.init_kwargs = {"min_size": min_size, "eps": eps}
Variation of information metric based on HDBScan computed from embeddings.
This class can be used as validation metric when training a network for instance segmentation.
- min_size: The minimal segment size.
- eps: The epsilon value for HDBScan.
354 def __init__(self, min_size: int, eps: float): 355 segmenter = HDBScan(min_size=min_size, eps=eps, remove_largest=True) 356 metric = VariationOfInformation() 357 super().__init__(segmenter, metric) 358 self.init_kwargs = {"min_size": min_size, "eps": eps}
Initialize internal Module state, shared by both nn.Module and ScriptModule.
Inherited Members
361class MulticutVOIMetric(BaseInstanceSegmentationMetric): 362 """Variation of information metric based on a multicut computed from boundary predictions. 363 364 This class can be used as validation metric when training a network for instance segmentation. 365 366 Args: 367 min_seg_size: The minimal segment size. 368 anisotropic: Whether to compute the watersheds in 2d for volumetric data. 369 dt_threshold: The threshold to apply to the boundary predictions before computing the distance transform. 370 sigma_seeds: The sigma value for smoothing the distance transform before computing seeds. 371 """ 372 def __init__( 373 self, min_seg_size: int, anisotropic: bool = False, dt_threshold: float = 0.25, sigma_seeds: float = 2.0 374 ): 375 segmenter = Multicut(dt_threshold, anisotropic, sigma_seeds) 376 metric = VariationOfInformation() 377 super().__init__(segmenter, metric) 378 self.init_kwargs = {"anisotropic": anisotropic, "min_seg_size": min_seg_size, 379 "dt_threshold": dt_threshold, "sigma_seeds": sigma_seeds}
Variation of information metric based on a multicut computed from boundary predictions.
This class can be used as validation metric when training a network for instance segmentation.
- min_seg_size: The minimal segment size.
- anisotropic: Whether to compute the watersheds in 2d for volumetric data.
- dt_threshold: The threshold to apply to the boundary predictions before computing the distance transform.
- sigma_seeds: The sigma value for smoothing the distance transform before computing seeds.
372 def __init__( 373 self, min_seg_size: int, anisotropic: bool = False, dt_threshold: float = 0.25, sigma_seeds: float = 2.0 374 ): 375 segmenter = Multicut(dt_threshold, anisotropic, sigma_seeds) 376 metric = VariationOfInformation() 377 super().__init__(segmenter, metric) 378 self.init_kwargs = {"anisotropic": anisotropic, "min_seg_size": min_seg_size, 379 "dt_threshold": dt_threshold, "sigma_seeds": sigma_seeds}
Initialize internal Module state, shared by both nn.Module and ScriptModule.
Inherited Members
382class MulticutRandMetric(BaseInstanceSegmentationMetric): 383 """Rand index metric based on a multicut computed from boundary predictions. 384 385 This class can be used as validation metric when training a network for instance segmentation. 386 387 Args: 388 min_seg_size: The minimal segment size. 389 anisotropic: Whether to compute the watersheds in 2d for volumetric data. 390 dt_threshold: The threshold to apply to the boundary predictions before computing the distance transform. 391 sigma_seeds: The sigma value for smoothing the distance transform before computing seeds. 392 """ 393 def __init__( 394 self, min_seg_size: int, anisotropic: bool = False, dt_threshold: float = 0.25, sigma_seeds: float = 2.0 395 ): 396 segmenter = Multicut(dt_threshold, anisotropic, sigma_seeds) 397 metric = AdaptedRandError() 398 super().__init__(segmenter, metric) 399 self.init_kwargs = {"anisotropic": anisotropic, "min_seg_size": min_seg_size, 400 "dt_threshold": dt_threshold, "sigma_seeds": sigma_seeds}
Rand index metric based on a multicut computed from boundary predictions.
This class can be used as validation metric when training a network for instance segmentation.
- min_seg_size: The minimal segment size.
- anisotropic: Whether to compute the watersheds in 2d for volumetric data.
- dt_threshold: The threshold to apply to the boundary predictions before computing the distance transform.
- sigma_seeds: The sigma value for smoothing the distance transform before computing seeds.
393 def __init__( 394 self, min_seg_size: int, anisotropic: bool = False, dt_threshold: float = 0.25, sigma_seeds: float = 2.0 395 ): 396 segmenter = Multicut(dt_threshold, anisotropic, sigma_seeds) 397 metric = AdaptedRandError() 398 super().__init__(segmenter, metric) 399 self.init_kwargs = {"anisotropic": anisotropic, "min_seg_size": min_seg_size, 400 "dt_threshold": dt_threshold, "sigma_seeds": sigma_seeds}
Initialize internal Module state, shared by both nn.Module and ScriptModule.
Inherited Members
403class MWSIOUMetric(BaseInstanceSegmentationMetric): 404 """Intersection over union metric based on a mutex watershed computed from affinity predictions. 405 406 This class can be used as validation metric when training a network for instance segmentation. 407 408 Args: 409 offsets: The offsets corresponding to the affinity channels. 410 min_seg_size: The minimal segment size. 411 iou_threshold: The threshold for the intersection over union value. 412 strides: The strides for the mutex watershed. 413 """ 414 def __init__( 415 self, 416 offsets: List[List[int]], 417 min_seg_size: int, 418 iou_threshold: float = 0.5, 419 strides: Optional[List[int]] = None 420 ): 421 segmenter = MWS(offsets, with_background=True, min_seg_size=min_seg_size, strides=strides) 422 metric = IOUError(iou_threshold) 423 super().__init__(segmenter, metric) 424 self.init_kwargs = {"offsets": offsets, "min_seg_size": min_seg_size, 425 "iou_threshold": iou_threshold, "strides": strides}
Intersection over union metric based on a mutex watershed computed from affinity predictions.
This class can be used as validation metric when training a network for instance segmentation.
- offsets: The offsets corresponding to the affinity channels.
- min_seg_size: The minimal segment size.
- iou_threshold: The threshold for the intersection over union value.
- strides: The strides for the mutex watershed.
414 def __init__( 415 self, 416 offsets: List[List[int]], 417 min_seg_size: int, 418 iou_threshold: float = 0.5, 419 strides: Optional[List[int]] = None 420 ): 421 segmenter = MWS(offsets, with_background=True, min_seg_size=min_seg_size, strides=strides) 422 metric = IOUError(iou_threshold) 423 super().__init__(segmenter, metric) 424 self.init_kwargs = {"offsets": offsets, "min_seg_size": min_seg_size, 425 "iou_threshold": iou_threshold, "strides": strides}
Initialize internal Module state, shared by both nn.Module and ScriptModule.
Inherited Members
428class MWSSBDMetric(BaseInstanceSegmentationMetric): 429 """Symmetric best dice score metric based on a mutex watershed computed from affinity predictions. 430 431 This class can be used as validation metric when training a network for instance segmentation. 432 433 Args: 434 offsets: The offsets corresponding to the affinity channels. 435 min_seg_size: The minimal segment size. 436 strides: The strides for the mutex watershed. 437 """ 438 def __init__(self, offsets: List[List[int]], min_seg_size: int, strides: Optional[List[int]] = None): 439 segmenter = MWS(offsets, with_background=True, min_seg_size=min_seg_size, strides=strides) 440 metric = SymmetricBestDice() 441 super().__init__(segmenter, metric) 442 self.init_kwargs = {"offsets": offsets, "min_seg_size": min_seg_size, "strides": strides}
Symmetric best dice score metric based on a mutex watershed computed from affinity predictions.
This class can be used as validation metric when training a network for instance segmentation.
- offsets: The offsets corresponding to the affinity channels.
- min_seg_size: The minimal segment size.
- strides: The strides for the mutex watershed.
438 def __init__(self, offsets: List[List[int]], min_seg_size: int, strides: Optional[List[int]] = None): 439 segmenter = MWS(offsets, with_background=True, min_seg_size=min_seg_size, strides=strides) 440 metric = SymmetricBestDice() 441 super().__init__(segmenter, metric) 442 self.init_kwargs = {"offsets": offsets, "min_seg_size": min_seg_size, "strides": strides}
Initialize internal Module state, shared by both nn.Module and ScriptModule.
Inherited Members
445class MWSVOIMetric(BaseInstanceSegmentationMetric): 446 """Variation of information metric based on a mutex watershed computed from affinity predictions. 447 448 This class can be used as validation metric when training a network for instance segmentation. 449 450 Args: 451 offsets: The offsets corresponding to the affinity channels. 452 min_seg_size: The minimal segment size. 453 strides: The strides for the mutex watershed. 454 """ 455 def __init__(self, offsets: List[List[int]], min_seg_size: int, strides: Optional[List[int]] = None): 456 segmenter = MWS(offsets, with_background=False, min_seg_size=min_seg_size, strides=strides) 457 metric = VariationOfInformation() 458 super().__init__(segmenter, metric) 459 self.init_kwargs = {"offsets": offsets, "min_seg_size": min_seg_size, "strides": strides}
Variation of information metric based on a mutex watershed computed from affinity predictions.
This class can be used as validation metric when training a network for instance segmentation.
- offsets: The offsets corresponding to the affinity channels.
- min_seg_size: The minimal segment size.
- strides: The strides for the mutex watershed.
455 def __init__(self, offsets: List[List[int]], min_seg_size: int, strides: Optional[List[int]] = None): 456 segmenter = MWS(offsets, with_background=False, min_seg_size=min_seg_size, strides=strides) 457 metric = VariationOfInformation() 458 super().__init__(segmenter, metric) 459 self.init_kwargs = {"offsets": offsets, "min_seg_size": min_seg_size, "strides": strides}
Initialize internal Module state, shared by both nn.Module and ScriptModule.
Inherited Members
462class MWSRandMetric(BaseInstanceSegmentationMetric): 463 """Rand index metric based on a mutex watershed computed from affinity predictions. 464 465 This class can be used as validation metric when training a network for instance segmentation. 466 467 Args: 468 offsets: The offsets corresponding to the affinity channels. 469 min_seg_size: The minimal segment size. 470 strides: The strides for the mutex watershed. 471 """ 472 def __init__(self, offsets: List[List[int]], min_seg_size: int, strides: Optional[List[int]] = None): 473 segmenter = MWS(offsets, with_background=False, min_seg_size=min_seg_size, strides=strides) 474 metric = AdaptedRandError() 475 super().__init__(segmenter, metric) 476 self.init_kwargs = {"offsets": offsets, "min_seg_size": min_seg_size, "strides": strides}
Rand index metric based on a mutex watershed computed from affinity predictions.
This class can be used as validation metric when training a network for instance segmentation.
- offsets: The offsets corresponding to the affinity channels.
- min_seg_size: The minimal segment size.
- strides: The strides for the mutex watershed.
472 def __init__(self, offsets: List[List[int]], min_seg_size: int, strides: Optional[List[int]] = None): 473 segmenter = MWS(offsets, with_background=False, min_seg_size=min_seg_size, strides=strides) 474 metric = AdaptedRandError() 475 super().__init__(segmenter, metric) 476 self.init_kwargs = {"offsets": offsets, "min_seg_size": min_seg_size, "strides": strides}
Initialize internal Module state, shared by both nn.Module and ScriptModule.